Technical Difficulties

A 40-post collection

Friday, Valentine's Day

I'm starting to wonder about the person I found to help me with market research. Everything that should be a minor tweaks turns out to be a whole new video. There's flaws that should be easily detected, errors allowed to pass. I'm starting to worry this person is using AI to put out low effort somethings.

I don't want to accuse, but I'm also thinking of transcribing the ad copy from the one that needed really minor tweaks and doing it over with stock footage and no-copyright music.

I'll look into that now that I have an idea of what to do.

I just need the sources and the software. Looking into that today.

When I'm done finding out what needs tweaking with GameMaker, of course.

I'll finish my wrist stretchies, work on my novel, and then get on with my daily offerings.

Wednesday, Unfucking Journey

I currently can't upload images from my compy without borking my entire internet connection, my browser, or my compy. Apparently, it's a Firefox bug or its add-ons.

In the meantime, I'll be working on my image posts on CachyBrowser.

I have quite a few appointments upcoming, this week, and PLNs to go shopping today and get some supplies. For which I need to consult the rest of the fam.

It's been a thorough TRIAL trying to unriddle my technical issues that have

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Wednesday, Technical Difficulties and So On

The internet is fixed!

I have my first physio happening in an hour. In half an hour, I take off to meet that appointment.

I need to remember to ask about cooling my heel on the evening stretchies cycle. And show off my new knee brace.

Fingers crossed, I get to post today's story before I launch.

After I get back, I'll work on the rant for this week. I have some worries about the state of affairs on the interwebs.


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Thursday, Mor Shopping PLNs

We need paper towels. I need coffee. I have further PLNs to make myself some Ginger Con Carne in an effort to train up my baby tongue. I'm sick of being vulnerable to capsaicin.

That's the non-standard ideas in mind for today.

I checked on the feedback from the GameMaker community, nothing. I looked for FUSE in the normal places. Nothing. Looks like I'm going to have to carefully read the instructions in the error and then go poke around and attempt

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Sunday, Embuggerances and Attempts Made

So my internet dips out after two hours of computer use and the only way to get it back is to reboot the tower. You can imagine how much of a pain in the arse this is.

I'm working with my lovelies to try and unriddle this nonsense on a permanent basis. Two hours at a time is better than nothing, but having the entire 24 would be much better.

Doing the best I can with the little I've got.

Offerings as

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Saturday, Called For Rain

It's wet as heck out in our destination, Kedron is flooded, and the great Brisbane River is rising.

...which may or may not mean a soaked and waterlogged Crimbo at a later date.



So now I'm attempting to focus on my offerings du jour whilst also getting a head start on the bread I needed to make this weekend anyway.

And because it's raining, I have no idea if the game I'm planning to do early tomorrow is going to

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Friday, Wet Weather

It looks like the rain has set in. Dangit. I was really trying to be well enough to do parkrun this time around.

I have been in the wars. Achey breaky feet, hot and cold running rhinovirii, and the Sneezin' and Wheezin' Season that NEVER FIRKIN ENDS!

I still got the sniffoos, but I'm otherwise functioning as human for the meanwhile. So far, so good.

Except Mayhem now has the Lurgi. Or at least, has succumbed to it. Poor chook. Soup and

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Friday, Rain Interference "Fun"

It's raining. Which means my internet access is shit. Which means that anything I do online will be slower than molasses.

JUST in time for me to try learning how to make buttons in GameMaker. Yay.

All the running back and forth, the missed connections and other nonsense has me very frazzled and stressed and needing intimate haptic feedback. Alas, the rest of the QPP is far, far away and out of my range for firkin weeks on end.


I feel

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Saturday, No Parkrun and Continuing Embuggerances

I don't know how to get the pi-hole software onto the hardware, my heel hates me, and I'm creeping ever closer to maybe needing a fifth dang GoogDoc.

Time will tell about that.

Stencyl won't let me progress until there's an update, so now I'm keeping tabs on the updates page to see when they enact their jiggery-pokery. Huzzah.

I've finished a fnart piece for an artist on Tumblr, and I only hope my efforts don't insult them. So far... radio silence.

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Friday, Raspberry Pi and Jiggery-Pokery

I did not, in fact, wreck the thing forever. The machine is assembled, the OS is installed, so now I'm pondering the software. Which is going on the world's smallest data chip. Currently in its carry-case until I find or figure out how to install the software on the thing.

My current issue - where does data chip go? I cannot figure out the receptacle for it to reside.

It'll be unriddled in time, I'm sure.

Soon, mu-ha, we shall have... AD-FREE

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Sunday, Stream Shenanigans and Browser Tricks

TIL that the trouble with GoogDocs and Firefox is not one that is mine and mine alone. Other folks are having similar issues.

Meanwhile, I can plausibly move all my GoogDocs to Zoho Writer, which does more or less the same things but without being as nasty as Google is at doing anything useful.

My problem now is finding the time and energy to transfer the files. I can theoretically upload them from my GoogDrive, but that is an experiment for another

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Tuesday: A Bit Crammed

I have a new rig!


So here's my day:

  • Up at 6 to feed the cats and prep for nonsense
  • 2-hr round trip at 7
  • Refuel
  • Fetch my babe
  • Drive to Brisbane to fetch the new rig
  • Drop it off at Adorable's for the new OS install

So now I'm waiting for Adorable to complete the technical difficulties with the OS install.


I didn't get any side-projects done last night. Such is the way of things.

I'm too busy for

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Thursday, Pressure Release

Beloved had a few ideas for my rant blog, this morning. Such as going off about things I like and why you should like them too. Honestly, it's probably a better vibe than yesterday's grousing about the Rona.

Plus I can promote various randos I appreciate on the interwebs. Share the love, et cetera.

Whilst wrangling my offerings, I am working on fixing the issues with OBS. There's an update going on as I type.

There was an idea to interview folks,

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Monday, Backup Reads and No Stream

Still trying to unfuck what the hell is going on with OBS and how to fix it. So far, my internet searching skills are failing me.

I feel terrible about everything going wrong. It's out of my control and I can't do a dang thing about it... BUT I also feel dumb because it's out of my control and I can't do a dang thing about it.

Further, I still need mental health time because burnout is a bitch and the firkin

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Sunday, Streaming Issues

Video drivers make my games work! Yay! Video drivers may also be preventing OBS from working. Boo.

Which means that, in order to stream, I need to unfuck whatever's going on with my systems. Which means there may not be a stream tomorrow.

I'm doing my best with what I've got, and what I've got is old solutions to old versions. None of which are effective so far.

I have some offerings to make and chapters to record. Not a lot for

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