
A 5-post collection

Challenge #03371-I083: Deja Vu All Over Again

Amatu, Vee, Wraithvine, and Pondermoore were traveling, they'd just entered the city with Slippery Sam's cage. A young homeless child, potentially younger than Vee, bumped into the wizard trying to lift the coin pouch. The child was thin, dirty, skittish, and reeked of immense, untapped magic. The young human was only not afraid around Amatu, thinking he was very pretty. -- Lessons

An Ogre, an Elf, and two other adventurers ride into Deepwater. One of the longer-lasting cities in the wider lands. Like most travelers into a large city, there is some significant gawking. Given the nature of the adventurers, even some of the jaded locals were staring.

It's not often that an Ogre walks into a town and refuses to cause trouble. Neither is it that common to see a Tiefling hybridised with an Aasimar.

The snake-man in the cage was, by sheer comparison, relatively normal.

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Challenge #02901-G344: Vocal Gymnastics

The human spoke in a half-whisper as they were going through the jungle trying to skirt the edges of a hostile camp. Normally, they'd be 'kick backside and take names' but they were carrying a wounded havenworlder with them and could not risk their friend. Damnit, if only the life pod's transmitters had worked! No use for it, they knew where the rescue ship would be, but the hostiles were not going to make it easy.

Their friend then noticed the voice

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Challenge #02229-F039: Special Talents

"Am I weird?"

"Yes, that's why we get along." -- Anon Guest

They say things like, There's always one, or, Strange is as strange does; but what they generally mean by that is, Look at the statistical outlier. It's not always done with malice, but it certainly feels that way when one is on the receiving end. For those who experience this sort of thing first hand, it's interesting how the statistical outliers are reviled and expelled from groups as "too strange"

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Challenge #01580-D119: Alto-nate Talent

Alto. Never to sing those high intricate vocal solos beloved of Opera fans. Altos get stuck in the choir. -- Knitnan

Keep the tune. Keep the rhythm. Let the sopranos, the tenors and the basso profundos drown you out. That's all the Altos are good for, they say. That and pop music, which is famously lacking in melody[1], and famously full of atonal yelling down the microphones. Which was all too bad, because Gail loved to sing, and she was an

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Challenge #01577-D116: Famous Fortune

Imagine a time when 3D technology can create actors and actresses from the past or now. Actors age, 3D images do not. already existing are those from the past whose Images are saleable items, and "Body of Work" could mean something else. And I'm not just thinking "The Elvis Experience" here - although I suspect it might be one of the first. -- Knitnan

Janice sashayed up to the bar after her set had finished. "Gimme a tall SoCo on the rocks,

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