If you haven’t registered to vote, register for next time. This is important.
It’s the one way you can have your say in how your country is run. Do it.
If you haven’t registered to vote, register for next time. This is important.
It’s the one way you can have your say in how your country is run. Do it.
When you go to the writing contest, the first stories you see are the ones that have been around long enough. First in, best dressed.
So please do the following:
It takes three seconds
Read more »Not one, but two annual anthologies filled to the brim with off-the-cuff flash fiction inspired by readers just like you!
Find the stories you want without having to plough through the entirety of my blog! Ease of use means that you can skip the stories you don’t like, or read them in any order!
Now for the convenient price of anything you want to pay!
Get your copy of One Year of Instants here! Or, if you already have it,
Read more »T'reka just wanted to learn. Unfortunately for her, her entire species views scientific thinking as a form of insanity. And when she wants to learn all about the various venomous, poisonous, and outright deadly life forms on a land mass named Toxic Island, you can almost see why. Little did she know that when she committed her life to the study of this strange and hostile land, there was already a colony of monsters setting up housekeeping. Now she’s face-to-face
Read more »You can now buy the complete trilogy at Smashwords!
Read the thrilling adventures of Sahra Johnston and her fight to free her people from the ruthless forces of the Tu'att!
How much would you expect to pay for a trilogy of this order? Well, because we managed to slash the overheads involved in things like a physical store as well as the cost of paper, you can own this entire trilogy for less than SIX DOLLARS!
Isn’t that amazing? Isn&
Read more »These three FREE titles available on Smashwords!
Dubious about the quality of my works? Why not download these FREE stories so you can see what you’re in for. These self-contained shorts are released each Halloween, so check by regularly to see what else has come from this author’s warped and twisted mind.
Yes! You can still get the entire trilogy in this one easy-to-click link!
The first book is still 100% FREE! And I don’t charge you any extra for the other two novels! What a bargain!
Get your copy of the newest book from CM Weller NOW!
It’s official! I have been taking your prompts and turning them into inspirations for short stories for TWO YEARS.
And, because they contain fanfic, I can’t legally charge you for them, so they’re available as pay-what-you-want anthologies!
That’s right! YOU decide what a year of my work is worth. And in this case, what each year of my life is worth.
Please buy generously.
Liked Hevun’s Rebel? Get the trilogy!
For less than six dollars, you can own three entire books! When was the last time you saw a deal like that?
Read more »T'reka stood, arms akimbo and wing-feathers out, as the supervising technician made certain all of her straps were on correctly and snugly.
“Remember, DO NOT FLAP,” the technician reminded her above the engine noise of the Flight Machine. “This pack has its own glider-wings, and any flapping on your part will disrupt the steering mechanisms and put you in the ocean!”
“Understood!” T'reka chirped.
“We’re going to drop you in five.”
As you can see, I kind of need you to buy generously.
Read more »Did you know? You can read all about one innocent explorer’s close encounter with these dangerous creatures in The Amity Incident!
READ! The thrilling tale of T'reka the Inquisitive!
THRILL! At the baffling and bizarre habits of humans!
FUND! This impoverished author so ze can afford to write more thrilling adventures!
It’s up!
…and 49 of you wonderful people have already found it with barely a peep of an announce! Thankyou!
Now is the time to get it and share it like it’s infectious. I am just about to spam the living snot out of it on twitter. I may even send a few asks to folks I’m cyberstalking following here on Tumblr.
I’m so nervouscited! EEEEEEE!
[violently refrains from doing a Les Mis filk]
Read more »The masters showed her a map - a better one than they had for running her through ore processing - and clipped a cable-holding thing into her harness. Sahra almost jumped into the tunnels, going as fast as she could until she got to a crossway and then, very quickly, bundling up some loops to hold in her less-useful hand. They wouldn’t yank her backwards so easy, this way.