
A 5-post collection

Challenge #04347-K329: First, Do No Harm

The deregger escaped their polity by fleeing onto an alliance ship. Their depression made them feel like cutting, but strangely? They couldn't find anything sharp. -- Anon Guest

I made it as far as an Alliance freighter. Hundreds did not. Every day, I heard about others who tried and died in the attempt. How many others' blood would be on my hands just because I made it? How many others would spend their value on a futile effort because less than one in one thousand successfully fled to the stars?

Would it have been better if I died as an example to others?

But I was here. Alive. Waiting to be discovered and spaced as a stowaway. Waiting to starve to death, or freeze because the freighters can't afford to heat their cargoes. Waiting to die for my sins.

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Challenge #04221-K203: Good For What Ails You

Deregger escapees in a stolen ship nearly crash into the station due to lack of power to steer. Once rescued, the Gyiik in the station realize these Dereggers are badly starved, and kick into action to help them. -- Anon Guest

It had come in drifting, leaking, and clearly out of control. The comms were down, the lights were off, and scans recognised the atmosphere content inside it as 'terrible'. In the end of all things, it was a mercy that the

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Challenge #04117-K099: Remove the Cause

The Culpeo, and others like them, are getting CRC monitors that don't take cogniscent abuse lightly. The numbers of deaths begin to drop significantly, those that were dead and simply "dumped" are picked up so they can be given proper memorials. The new group that formed to do this have the full backing of the CRC. -- Anon Guest

Things were a long time in understanding, on both sides. Karo took some time to understand the

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Challenge #03646-I358: Welcome to All

Desperate, and hearing the Alliance gave medical care for FREE, Dereggers from many systems within the empire begin sneaking away, often with help, to save their families lives and get help. -- Anon Guest

They came in drifts. They came in droves. Freighters arrived with their holds full of the tired, the weak, and the huddled masses. The desperate, the starving, and the all-but-hopeless.

They had nothing but the clothing on their backs and the knowledge in their heads. They had risked

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Challenge #03614-I326: Soup and Nonsense

"¡Por favor, no me toques, tengo miedo!"

La persona recién liberada miró alrededor de la estación desconocida con dolor, terror y necesitaba ayuda con urgencia. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Translated to English by DuckDuckGo- "Please don't touch me, I'm afraid!" The newly released person looked around the unknown station in pain, terror, and needed help urgently.]

Strangers. Strangers everywhere. It had been a long trip in the cold with poor oxygen and worse food. The Culpeo running the ship had charged too

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