Occupy Wall Street

A 48-post collection

So I thought about illustrating things to folks...

Y'know, with paperclips, since I have so darn many of them. One box of paperclips would represent percentages of the population and the other box would represent percentages of wealth.

Everyone’s pretty divided. The 99%, the 53%, the 1%. I’m not quite sure how I’m going to divide this up.

1% I know has 45% of the wealth.

9% also has 45% of the wealth.

The remaining 10% is divided somewhere between the 53% who are either wealthy enough to afford to pay taxes or too poor to avoid them… and the remaining 47% who are ropeable about the whole deal.

I know how much wealth the protesters collectively own - about zip.

I want to ask the 53% - how much wealth have you got?

Life Skills 101: Grow Your Own (part 3)

They sell pots. They sell tubs. They sell potting mix and blood&bone. They will sell you dynamic lifter, which is actually chook poo. If you have a good garden emporium, it may actually sell you varying kinds of manure [horse poo, cow poo, zoo poo…]. Just don’t go with people poo ‘cause our guts manufacture some really nasty shit. No joke. Cholera, typhus, ebola, and many, many more.

What most garden places don’t sell

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Louisiana Bans State's Businesses From Accepting Cash

Now this is interesting. A law banning what is known as “coin of the realm”. This law is illegal in so many, many ways.

I’m certain smarter folks than I can figure out the details.

The real trick to quietly protest this is to ONLY operate in cash when in Louisiana. Tell them it’s against your religion to use a card [best if

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Life Skills 101 part 2

Yesterday you saw a discourse on sewing. Can save you upwards of $20 per garment and is only “not worth it” if you let the body corporate tell you that you should follow fashion.

Today, I cover cooking.

Cooking is an essential life skill and will save shittons of money if you’re used to eating out of the drive-through.

Yes, I know some places charge more for fresh produce. I have two words for that: Farmer’s

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Independence from Corporations: Life Skills 101

It occurred to me that I know a lot more about coping without corporate-made items than a lot of the folks who don’t know how to protest the corporations.

I know you. You feel like you’re stuck. You’re scared of losing your job/home/car/significant other/whatever if you stand up with the shouting throng. I know a few people in the media got fired for siding with OWS… they won’t be

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An App We All Need

I honestly don’t know how feasible this is, but it’s an app I know I need. And all the folks who quietly support the Occupy movement need.

I’m tentatively calling it “How Evil Is That?”.

It’s a smart app, able to recognise products and logos from a photograph or an image it takes, much like a code-square scanner. Once it recognises the product [or logo] it searches a database or databases of

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A Bit More on Gridle$$

The real point of Gridle$$ as a means of protest is this:

We are not giving money to any corporation.

We are no longer buying their bullshit. In any form.

If we’re paid, we’re keeping our pay. We’re giving it to actual people who worked to produce the things we need.

We are not buying petrol/gasoline to run our cars because we have bikes. That we repair ourselves.

We are not buying fashionable brand clothing

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Dear 53%

I understand your right to stand up for what you believe in. I’m all for it.

However, I believe you are labouring under some false ideas masquerading as good intentions.

If you believe that an individual has the right to freedom of speech…

If you believe that an individual has the right to peacefully assemble when they believe things are going wrong…

If you believe that an individual has the right to find work where they want to

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Stay Peaceful, OWS

Honestly, it is in your best interests. I’ve read people saying that it’s time to take up arms like the Tea Party, etc.


Just plain no.

The best way to outline the violence is to remain peaceful. Carry nothing more harmful than a placard. Beat nothing but drums or your own chest. Throw nothing but invective.

Let the people see that you are unarmed. That you are not harming anyone.

Be prepared for the idea that yes,

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ianishollywood: OccupyNashville has been given 24hrs to disband or be evicted by the Police. Let the following people know that you support...


OccupyNashville has been given 24hrs to disband or be evicted by the Police. Let the following people know that you support the occupation. We are the 99%!

Mayor of Nashville (Karl Dean) (615) 862-6000 mayor@nashville.gov

TN Govenor (Bill Haslam) 615-741-2001 bill.haslam@tn.gov

Chief of Police (Steve Anderson) 615-862-7301 chief@police.nashville.org

Director of Metro Council (John Cooper) 615-862-6780

Reblog to help out these guys. Awareness is needed.

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Everybody Needs to Read One Book

And it ain’t the Bible.

Yeah, I’m probably going to get pwn’d for saying that, but in these days, in this situation, and with the Occupy movement going everywhere like ice cream on a toddler, this book is essential.

The book is called How an Economy Grows and Why it Crashes by Peter D. Schiff

It explains the economy problems currently causing people to be out on the streets banging on drums and shouting at the

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The Debt Dollar - or, How the Banks Don't Have Any Money

Once upon a time, money was made out of gold or other precious metals. It was a finite resource and everyone could agree on how much it was worth.

But precious metals are heavy and hard to carry around all the time. Especially on long journeys.

People started trading coins for promissory notes that they could trade back for coins when they got to where they were going. A fairly honest system started by the Knights Templar.

Other folks quickly got into

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