Your Rights

A 1-post collection

Dear 53%

I understand your right to stand up for what you believe in. I’m all for it.

However, I believe you are labouring under some false ideas masquerading as good intentions.

If you believe that an individual has the right to freedom of speech…

If you believe that an individual has the right to peacefully assemble when they believe things are going wrong…

If you believe that an individual has the right to find work where they want to work…

If you don’t want your hard-earned employment/money/hope to be shipped overseas to the lowest bidder…

If you want the education for your children to mean something and be worth something in the future…

If you want your savings to support you in your old age…

If you think the police should not open fire or gas unarmed civilians…

If even one of the above statements is true…

Then you are part of the 99%

Your taxes are currently funding corporate fat cats so they can bribe congressmen to enact laws that steal your property, that encourage your employer to put your job overseas, that rob you of your investments, that cancel your plans or dreams for a better tomorrow.

Stop objecting to the Occupy movement and realise that we are also fighting for you.

Join us, and otherwise commingle.