Stay Peaceful, OWS

Honestly, it is in your best interests. I’ve read people saying that it’s time to take up arms like the Tea Party, etc.


Just plain no.

The best way to outline the violence is to remain peaceful. Carry nothing more harmful than a placard. Beat nothing but drums or your own chest. Throw nothing but invective.

Let the people see that you are unarmed. That you are not harming anyone.

Be prepared for the idea that yes, this is going to hurt. Yes, they will hit you. Yes, they will strike you down.

The point is that yes, you can stand up again.

And again. And again.

And if you can’t stand up, like that poor soul who was illegally shot in the head with a “less than lethal” round (One inch in the wrong direction and he would be a fatality), then more people will stand up for you.

Do not, I beg you, get violent.

Violence only justifies the actions of fascists.

Stand when they attempt to put you down. Speak when they attempt to silence you. Take the money they crave and put it into things that will support you and not the corporate hegemony. This is how to hurt them.

They can only try to arrest all of you.

That can only mean that more will come to stand with others who feel the same way.