If it Ain't Broke...

A 2-post collection

Challenge #02224-F034: The Better Mousetrap Paradox

"Why do you carry a device only for recording your voice?"

"I think too quick to type anything down" -- Anon Guest

"There are auto-dictation programs galore," added Phrel. "Voice to text."

"Except they come with autocorrect and it takes a freaking age to teach them my personal lexicon. I'm a self-confessed weirdo that way. It's much easier for me to record the audio, slow it down, and use an older autodict to take a best guess at all the spelling. Then correct it afterwards."

Phrel, who had heard Human Trav describe something as, "A solid glurb of blah," had no doubts about the first word in technology having its glitches around this person. Human Trav can, had, and would invent new words to fit according to need, whether or not words for that particular necessity were already extant. They had also heard Human Trav talking faster than possible on numerous occasions. "Like when you've had a 'booster'?"

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Challenge #01851-E027: As Long as it Works...

Aliens trying to convince a human crew to change it's ship

[Alien] "You use century old technologies ! The new system is way more efficient and everything is automatic. No need to repair it!"

[Human 1] "And when it broke ?"

[Alien] "It can't broke !"

[Human 2] "So when it broke we just have to pray to whatever god that either another ship will pick up our distress signal or the engine restart by itself before the oxygen reserve are depleted." -- Anon Guest

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