Humans Are Weird

A 174-post collection

Challenge #02306-F116: Expressions of Exasperation

any day is a good day when you're not on fire

alien looks over nervously -- Anon Guest

Humans have such interesting ways to express disappointment with their life at the moment. They can range from the simple and insincere, "Kill me," to the complicated and difficult to explain to newcomers, "Today... the spiders flakked me." One can never tell which of the multitude of expressions any given Human would use.

Qosyk, the roommate of Human Jae, kept hearing different ones for every bad day that Human Jae had. They were not frequent downturns, but they were always varied. The first, Qosyk would always remember. Human Jae came back to their shared quarters just as Qosyk had settled into hir sleepy sack. This was not the typical exchange.

Qosyk said, "How has your day been," in a display of casual non-information gathering. Ze expected the usual, "Same old same old," but didn't get it.

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Challenge #02305-F115: What's in a Name?

There is an old myth among the Edge folk that the only thing that could stop an overly enthusiastic human from causing unwanted destruction is to command them using their full names. But in order to do so you must first find their secret name. Their "Middle" name!

And it must be true or why else would they have it hidden? -- AmberFox

Tyroq had seen it happen. The young Humans were causing trouble in a public zone. Climbing structures that should

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Challenge #02304-F114: Halfway There

Humans always enjoy finding anyone they can have a "same hat!" moment with. This time, it was over "Livin on a Prayer" by Bon Jovi. -- Anon Guest

The Humans were bonding memetically. Grurx had heard of this, but never seen it happen, so she picked a safe space to observe.

Human Sem and Human Rys were singing, and showing no signs of stopping. The lyrics had the same beginning, but the finishing couplet was always different. The singing seemed to be

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Challenge #02299-F109: I Smell Your Stink

Hey mom, hey dad.

Glad to hear everything's going well back at home. Hope lil sis is still practising for her band tour. Everything here's good, except for one thing. My roommate is kind if the equivalent of a sentient space skunk. I mean, I don't blame them, but you know how strong my nose is! I bet it's not even that bad! So yeah, everything else is fine.

Love you guys,

Katie -- Anon Guest

Humans tend to boldly go where

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Challenge #02295-F105: A Morbid Fascination is a Good example.

Humans are (at least in comparison to other species) obsessed with End-of-the-World-Scenarios.

Aliens find this strange/bizarre and question a human. -- Anon Guest

Human Raz was taking personal time to de-stress themselves. In this case, the relaxing activity involved yelling at a screen whilst their hands spasmed along the surface of a small, plastic interface. The Human's dialogue was not coherent or relaxed. It mostly consisted of things like, "Come

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Challenge #02294-F104: Some Came Along -- Anon Guest

Terrans believe in ghosts. Well. Most of them do. There's some phenomena amongst those sensitive to infrasound, magnetic radiation from electronica, and liminal spaces. There's also the growing Esper population who are unaware of their native abilities and prescribe activities or voices to spirits.

However, there are more than a few... incidents... that defy the explanations of science. Echoes in dark corridors from feet that aren't there. Whispers just out of understanding.

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Challenge #02285-F095: On Swift Wings

The ability of the human body to survive immense injury while also succumbing to the most bizarre things has always fascinated me.

For example, you hear of people falling out of airplanes and landing on the ground after crashing through trees, yet only suffering a sprained ankle and some bruises...

... and on the other hand there’s events such as the death of famous whiskey distiller Jack Daniels, who died from a blood infection caused by a broken toe which stemmed from

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Challenge #02284-F094: A Glitch is But a Glitch

"Don't forget me."

"My apologies, but I already have." -- Anon Guest

Synthetic emotions are a tricky thing for AI's. Some, like those created by the Consortium of Steam, feel deeply and without many complications. Others despise emotion and suppress it whenever it creeps into their experiences. Between those two extremes are those who have emotions, and are devastated by them when they are negative.

Their coping strategies for this are not always socially acceptable amongst organics. One of the more common

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Challenge #02282-F092: The Downside of Being Adorable

Humans love of all things adorable. There is an earth-cat like humanoid race that comes asking for help, and after humans find out they purr and act like earth cats protect that race with extreme prejudice while also hiring them to just to groom them and hear the purring. -- Anon Guest

The Vrrrau are very different to the Meeyahndans. Though both are felinoid[1], their personalities and presentation are vastly different. The Meeyahndese evolved on the savannah, though a colder one.

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Challenge #02276-F086: Flakkin' Weebo, Man...

There're always a big group of meme fans. Humans love their funny photos.

Aliens want to run when Big Chungus come and Hit Or Miss is the second favourite song in the room "of course first is Rick Astley's Never Gonna Give You Up." -- Anon Guest

Memetic communication is dependent entirely on the familiarity of the recipient with the subject. Some, simple images with even simpler captions, are easier to communicate than, say, a mish-mash of images with contextual dependency that

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Challenge #02274-F084: They Look Like Monsters

Humans meet an intelligent species who is nice, friendly, understanding and honest to a fault. A human vessel breaks down and they send the distress call to Help.

The Problem is, they look Like a horror movie Monster. Something that looks somewhat human but mangled, discolored, and just... wrong in all planes of existence. Not to forget their teeth, claws,etc.

They have the smell of rotting meat, decay and blood, when they are happy and they move through the vents for

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Challenge #02271-F081: Nacre or Facre

Pearls and Perlmutt[AN: AKA 'nacre' or 'mother of pearl'] are made by organic beings.

Aliens have never seen this Product before coming to Earth.

Of course, Earth has a new high-selling Export product. -- Anon Guest

Calcium carbonate is nothing new. It's formed from two relatively common elements in the periodic table and simple life forms make it the Universe over. Only one planet has evolved lifeforms that uses it in a laminal form. Aragonite, formed in plates, refracts light in

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Challenge #02267-F077: Friend? Friend!

Alien Snake-/Reptilian species meet the Human Race. Unfortunately (or Fortunately, depending on your viewpoint ^^) first contact happens between a snake lover (Pet the Snek !) and a proud Ambassador. -- Anon Guest

Many unfortunate First Contact situations have arisen because one or more cogniscent species in the encounter strongly resembles another's phobia species. We therefore recommend that all cogniscents finding themselves within a First Contact situation take a few moments to stop all voluntary movement, put down any tools, and properly assess

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Challenge #02263-F073: Children Problems

Human children grow their teeth. Problems arise as consequence.

How would that be for species, wou have three rows with hundreds of teeth? How would they react to a human toddler with their special problems? -- Anon Guest

The Edge Territories. Here there be Humans. Raashig was assured that, as a Selachid, the Humans wouldn't attempt to start any aggression. That said, such assurances were not a guarantee. There was always a minimum of one Humans who was drunk enough, belligerent enough,

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Challenge #02261-F071: They Love to Sing-a

"When an eel bites your thigh,

then you bleed out and die,

thats a Moray"

Humans will parody anything they like and especially catchy songs.

Even National Anthems. No matter the origin. -- Anon Guest

The local Humans were having an Untalent Show at the Choose Your Poison Drink[1], wherein all participants imbibed a lot of alcohol, got up onto the in-house stage, and demonstrated something they were horrible at. Either that, or it was Two Drink Minimum Karaoke Night. It

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