Bread Day

A 50-post collection

Thursday, Baking Prep, and Good News

I have found some knee sleeves. They were in Rebel Allsports (not sponsored) and promise to not roast my patellas when they're in situ.

My knees are warm, but not uncomfortably warm, and I needed my knee bracers today. Because today's a day for bread.

I have Wilson in the incubator, the flour weighed out, and the chia soaking in the water. In less than four hours, I autolyse and commence the rest of the nonsense. Knead-hour-knead until I get to the fourth folding. Then it goes into the fridge until tomorrow.

It will be at least 3PM by the time I'm done with any of it. It'll probably be a lot later than that. I was assuming there was no time taken on folds.

In between times, I shall work on my offerings unto the temple of notes.

Wish me luck.

Tuesday, Patreon, Bread, and Shrink Day

Just finished a telehealth call with my shrink. I have Wilson, my wholemeal Starter, incubating. They have a little over an hour remaining before the autolysing begins.

I'm pretty sure the amount of ice is responsible for my bread turning into sod loaves. So I'm back to being particular about the ice I use. It could also be that Wilson was still waking up last time and they'll be on full form sometime real soon now.

Hopefully, this time around.

I'll be

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Thursday, Bread at Last!

I awoke to the smell of smoke. Turns out Mayhem had forgotten chicken bites in the oven until they became charcoal briquettes. Whoops. I can't critique too much because I forgot to set off the timer to warm up my bread properly.

I also just now realised that I forgot to set it in the tins for the final proof BRB.

Okay. Now that the dough's been properly bothered, I've reset the timer. It's not going to do any harm to heat

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Monday, the Skin of My Teeth

It's payday tomorrow, I had to buy fuel, I have five dollarydoos left in my account and the oven preheating for the baking.

I need coffee, cream, flour, chia [I'm out at last], salt, and sundry other fixings.

I might take Miss Chaos out shopping with me when we can afford such an excursion. It's a long and complicated trip I have queued up to take most of my moneys.

Costco, Golden Circle Factory Outlet, the meat market, Aldi, and finally Woolies

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Saturday, Parkrun and Bread

Finally home, I have acquired a second kitchen scale and dividing the dough was a lot easier than my last efforts.

And just in time! The last quarter of my last loaf has dwindled to a hub end somehow. "Somehow" 9_9 [It was Miss Chaos]

So my PLN is thusly:

  • The first loaf is proofing whilst the oven preheats
  • Inside the bread mould and the incubator
  • I have a small bowl literally chilling in the freezer so I can do the
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Tuesday, Patreon and Bread

I've measured out everything but my Starter, which is currently incubating in preparation for the autolyse. I have 170g of chia soaking in 800g of water for the duration.

I know the traditional wire tool for bread [Called a "Dough Whisk" I have just now learned] is not good for mixing flour and soaked chia because the sticky goop just gets stuck in the cracks and it's nigh impossible to shift. I shall try "chopping in" the flour and mix with the

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Wednesday, Wordpress, Bread, and Sundry

Woke up close to 3AM, did my stretchies, and prepped for bread.

My starter (Ingrid) looked already fully grown so I gave them a quarter cup of plain flour and a bit of water to pep them up while they're in the incubator.

This time, I weighed the chia [171g makes a cup. I might make it an even 170 next time because the math is simpler] and subtracted that from the 1kg total flour weight. I weighed out 780g of water

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Saturday, BREAD!

It's a feast day, and I'm already into the stroopwafels. I have bread planned for today and keeping my hair dye off of my hands is a S-T-R-U-G-G-L-E.

Fortunately, I have a back scratcher that is taking care of all the head-related itchies.

And whilst my bread-in-progress is proofing and rising and being Bothered... I shall be sharing The Legend of Vox Machina with my Beloved.


...and attempting to eat my own weight in sugar...

So have a story. I had

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Saturday, Day 0, Bread Secundis

Plague news: Two new cases, one of each. Forty-three total active cases, twenty seven are in hospital and one's in the ICU.

My wholemeal bread's been in the fridge all night and is now both thawing and rising in the bread incubator. I've been working with Ingrid, this week. Which is kind of fun because Beloved has taken a little dab of Ingrid to grow their starter.

We're calling it "Ingrid Secundis" aka Is-ie. When we're not calling it "the pet".


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Friday, Day 0, Bread Day

Plague News: One new case, an import. Forty-two total active cases, twenty three are in hospital and one is in the ICU.


I have a starter in the fancy-arse bread incubator this morning. It's still growing, but I got to keep an eye on it. I can only cook the bikkies after Miss Chaos has got on her bus. Timing is everything.

Meanwhile, I fear my wholemeal flour has gone sour. This is an immense pain in my butt since it's

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Friday, Day 0, Bread and Nonsense

Plague news: Two new cases, both imports. Fourteen active cases, twelve in hospital.

I'm having a second go at making bread, the bathroom is done, and I have made zero programming progress last night. We installed some more stuff that we need to make the User Interface.

The bathroom ended up on the heftier side of a three-figure purchase. Bills all paid. Next on my agenda - working firkin DOORS. That shouldn't cost much, so I'm putting my funds towards the editing

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Friday, Day 0, Bread!

Plague update: 2 new cases, both imports. Thirteen total, and ten are in hospital.

We're almost out of bread. So I need to make more. I need to make more of the wholly wholemeal too, but I don't have 48 hours to do that because...

  1. I may or may not be doing some programming on the weekend
  2. I will definitely be helping MeMum with varying tech solutions
  3. I would actually like some time where I'm not up to my elbows in horse
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Friday, Day 1, Bread Day

No new cases! That's Day 11 on the domestic scale, by the way. There's forty-three total cases, forty-two are in hospital and only one is technically loose. In captivity in a hotel with the potential to breeze past security measures version of "loose".

I'm starting the process on some wholly wholemeal loaves so I can maybe regulate the plumbing. I have the bikkie going [nine sliced olives on it BTW] and Wilson is on my desk and growing up for a special

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Saturday, Day 6, Mor Bread

So one loaf made on Wednesday turned out to be a sod [bum!] but we turned it into bruchetta-esque [bruchettesque?] and now there's a slight need for more bread because there's still only one loaf in the freezer.

I'm working with Ingrid today, and since I had a sod out of the batch, I'm going back to the four-hour proof in the hope that that works. Still going for the double breadpan thing. Eliminate the variables one at a time. Even if

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Friday, Day 0, Bread

If I hadn't been irrevocably awake at 1AM, I would not be trying this. But yes, I am making bread with my new stoneground Lauke brand flour which is like the second-healthiest bread I could possibly make. Yay.

The fam wants white bread. I can make it today, thanks to the head start involved in being awake at F-off AM. It's already at the autolysis stage, so I should be baking by the evening. Yay.

How I'll fare at my 1K goal

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