Challenge #03175-H266: A Universal Strength Check

"""" *Standing a pace behind her, perhaps trying to glitter a little too much, was another Tiefling. She wore saffron and wore it well against skin so dark a blue it was almost black. She had her hair net bedecked with little gemstone flowers and her eyes... Her eyes were a softly-shining emerald green.

He was dumbstruck and staring as Mrs Aarincourt introduced Radiance Juniper Daffodil Palmire.

"Breathe," suggested Mrs Aarincourt, just as Jubilation was viewing Radiance through a greying tunnel.

He did, and saw more of Miss Palmire's light. Capital suggestion. He should remember that advice for the rest of the night. "Enchanted," he finally said. "Shall we dance?" He wouldn't feel the blisters from dancing with her until the servants peeled his hose out of them.

All four of them would have to be shoved into a church, but that was another story*. """" -- Anon Guest

There's whirlwind romances, love at first sight, long and comfortable courtships... and whatever the Merrimine twins were doing. While it was true that both young men had fallen almost instantly for their respective loves, they were taking their sweet time about cementing those bonds.

It was understandable that Loyalty would have cold feet. Well. Hooves. After a literal lifetime of rejection, suspicion, and accusation, it was only natural that he would take his time.

For the record, the Marchess Renette Cadence Symphony Basingforth was more than a little enchanted with the Viceroy Apprehension Marveline "Loyalty" Merrimine. She easily and eagerly accepted every invitation he had to offer.

They, and the young Duke his brother's match, were the talk of the town.

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