Wednesday, Rant Day & Shopping PLNs

I think I shall give a shout-out to Girl Genius today. Tomorrow, I go get supplies after I drop off Mayhem and hope for enough time to chill thereafter.

Results may be negligible.

I'm going to go jiggery-pokering around in Stencyl later today if I have the time. If not, I'll check another month of tags on the app-to-be.

That's usually pretty fast.

Mayhem's having his doubts about his job. I told him he should at least give himself a chance to get into the rhythm of the work. Two weeks post training seems like a decent time window. Then he needs to talk to APM about alternate work placement. If it's possible for them to help him, whether or not he's on his own, all that jazz.

Lots of things to ask about.

Meanwhile - Chaos is cooking for herself! Single-packet soup with instructions, but it's a start. She'll get bored with monopackets and eventually tool around with adding thing A to thing B and eating the cooked result.

Baby steps.

I also have a thing to write for the Archive, today.

Best to get started with the offerings.