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Thursday, The Quest For Spandek(tm)

It's an absolutely wonderful day to go on a Leyland's Tour to find, purchase, and haul a specifically wobbly sheet of metal homewards. By which I mean it's fucking raining.

I have a cyclone headache, digestive issues, my wrist hates me, my shoulder is in need of deep heat and a big burly massage, my feet are deciding whether or not they hate me, I'm constantly tired, and my right thumb has a glitch.

Recap: Last week, I turned a tap off and did something weird to a nerve in my thumb. This acts up whenever I grip things like the handle of my cane or my steering wheel. Both of which I need to grip in order to get around. So I have a thumb brace to prevent the Jangly Nerve Issues.

Which, in turn, makes literally everything difficult.


Nevertheless, I am going to take off as soon as humanly possible, and try to get that thing.

I have no idea when the offerings will be distributed. I'm late on Weird Writer Wednesday, and I'm late on Patreon. But... also constantly tired.

Attempts may or may not be made.