Sneezin' and Wheezin' Season is kicking my butt. STILL. I need long rugby socks to keep my fetlocks from freezing. STILL. Miss Chaos still has a cough. STILL.
Good news, I see the doc this friday. Just in time. I have almost run out of my meds.
I also know how to show proof of my jabs. Huzzah.
So today is a day of rest. I shall work on one chamber minimum in TaleSpire and not expect very much out of myself with the rest of my content.
I need at least a day before I deal with other stuff. In fact, I got so mad about Dumb Antitrans Laws that I spent most of my Shrink sesh talking about that instead of my self-blame horseshit.
So I will eventually write that out in a thing for my Shrink to see. Not today. Today is for recovering from all the other horseshit I've been dealing with this week.
In fun news, I woke up from dreaming about helping Weird Al pack merch(?!) and I was giving him rhyming trios about the process [no muss, no fuss, and not much rust]. Just before I woke, Weird Al almost started one and then said he didn't want to steal my bit.
I wanted to say nobody really wanted it, but my alarm went off.
I'm sure that's indicative of something but that's to figure out later.
Today is a day of relative rest. Tomorrow is when I'm back into the shit of it once more. Huzzah!
I'm having a concern about how long it takes for the nebuliser dose to kick in... BUT enough of that. Storytime!