Write Something

A 249-post collection

Challenge #00072: Dingy, Dire, Depressing

Describe the first AA meeting Sara’s mother goes to.

[my wrists hate me :P]

It was in a basement that smelled heavily of dust. And mildew. Like all truly public spaces, it was painted in a shade of easily-cleanable cream that gained a patina in seconds, and quickly smelled of cabbage. Seating was by means of folding chairs in Bargain Blue that had no basis in comfort.

Older hats, Jacqui noted, bought their own pillows.

She sat on her chosen seat as if she wished she could sit on Sara’s mythical ‘fried air’.

Everyone around her was either clinging to coffee or attached to cigarettes. Transference, Sara would say. One was knitting. Jacqui didn’t know how to knit, and smoking was a filthy habit. It was going to be coffee or finding something else she could do with her hands.

She fetched herself a coffee. Ugh. Cheap instant roast.

Too soon, they came to new members. She climbed the stage with trembling knees. “My… name is… Jacquelline. And I’m an alcoholic.”

Already, she felt lighter.

[Muse food remaining: 9. Submit a prompt! Ask a question!]

Challenge #00069: Power Struggle

Privilege, the halls of power and what drives those who wield it to deign it that way.

“Right,” said Bu'zaw, Earth’s new administrative assistant. “I’m trying to understand this. I am. Let me see if I have this straight.”

“Go on,” prompted Britanian Ambassador Winthrop.

“A relatively small percentage of the overall population have power over the larger percentage by means of building upon centuries of conquering and exploitation.”

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Challenge #00068: Looking Back, Looking forward

A reunion of the tall woman and the future good guy at day 74 of the training course he pursued. Another nice guy makes an appearance.

Common belief tells us that it takes three months to make a good habit. And one to form a bad one. So far, he was on day 74. His third day back into the real world, with his new perspective on many of the problems that the ladies of the world encountered.

Most of them were

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Challenge #00066: Post meltdown

The conversation between Kelly and Duncan post meltdown due to Scott’s revenge.

“…fucking bitches…”

Kelly did some paperwork while he waited. This particular disturbance needed some analysis beyond, “This looks like Essel’s work.” No. Not Essel. Adrien, Sara Louise. She had things in her permanent record that escalated in complexity. This was the first time her MO had included co-conspiritors.

Co-conspirators Kelly noted, who had complained about Mr Matthews and had not

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Ooh, ooh, another one!

Show humanity’s reaction when they find out, after however long of xenopsychology study and then however long the knowledge takes to dissemminate to humans, that they are regarded as a species, insane. Both the “official” reaction, from the leaders of the species, and the unofficial reaction when the person on the street finds out.


Earth’s reaction to the approaching fleet was predictable. The first parody images with popular, fictional, media space vessels were online within

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Got three for you today.

Two of them are fanfiction, though not for one of your usual fandoms, but something that …actually, you introduced me to back on the Nutboard.

First off, the non-fanfiction:

In-a: Space Station
With-a: First Contact delegation
While-a: Member of the alien delegation begins to get an inkling of how utterly insane Humans are, compared to the rest of the Galaxy

And the others:

How did Lady Ekaterin Vorkosigan react to hearing some of the details of her new husband’s

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Challenge #00061: One Fine Day During the Festival of Live Performances

Include anywhere: cashews, a drill press, silly men and a whistle.

There were times, she swore, when the station was overrun with humans. Like this one. The Festival of Live Performances bought them out of the woodwork.

She’d already passed four living statues and an eight-foot bride on the way to work, and got a cashew bar off the bride for the Minutes she put into the hat. Ant'il would have to donate it to the food bank, later. She

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Challenge #00060: Nice Guy Becoming Good Guy

Clarity, confidence, the nice guy and when someone finally listens and learns.

It started with a T-shirt. It read, If you think the world is full of assholes, maybe you’re the asshole. He knew he wasn’t an asshole, so he called the guy in the shirt one as he passed the other way.

Then there were the billboards and adverts. It was for a men’s charm school, he figured. He didn’t need that noise.

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Challenge #00057: Unlikely Treasures

Chicken feathers, a glass eye and a grasshopper.

“The least you could do is pitch in,” grumped Hwell as he alternated between shovel and pick.

“The least I could do,” argued Axand'l, “is go meditate while you indulge yourself in this… adventure holiday.” He tisked at the thought of wasting time on frivolous things. “As it is, I am recording this for edutainment purposes.”

Hwell rolled his eyes as if to say, Saurians!

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Challenge #00055: Slow Progress

The fourth day of therapy for the man who’s ‘Appreciation’ for Julie was dashed by Shayde’s particular brand of intervention.

Day four. The human man known on his paperwork as John Smith still rocked himself in place. He still preferred a soft, gentle environment. He did not want any variety of toy that had eyes.

He had, however, finally stopped repeating, “They wanted to eat me.”

Orsiz'edand'l viewed this as a positive sign. Human

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Challenge #00054: Appreciation

The unfortunate incident at the art exhibit hosted by the woman and the helper dog.

Rael never saw the point of clothes that existed just to be seen in. Nevertheless, he pretty much *had* to wear his dressiest JOAT coat and neatest clothing for this. Shayde, on the other hand, took to Show like a duck to water.

He knew for a fact that she had spent most of the day in a salon getting her hair turned into the fabulously interesting

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Challenge #00053: Cry Me a River

The cacophony of circumstances that allows Storm to discover Scott Summers indeed crying over spilled milk.

Ororo woke when she heard the smash. Air currents in the mansion had not changed, so no-one had broken in. Yet someone was roaming about, all the same. She summoned a ball of lightning as an improvised lantern and set it safely above her head so she could see what was going on.

Professor, sound asleep. Logan was out on one of his roaming quests, so

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Challenge #00049: Wrecking the grade curve

The Scooter Conspiracy is defeated, albeit temporarily, when educator Scott correlates grade reduction with youth pranks of exuberance. Storm makes an appearance.

“You’ve all heard the news. Sara Louise Adrien and Mortimer Thaddeus Toynbee are now officially engaged, an item, and allowed to go out. With my blessing.” Scott cleared his throat. “This has not stopped what is known as the Scooter Conspiracy from continuing to target me as a favoured victim in your pranks.”


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Challenge #00048: The Fall of Matthews

From Duncan’s perspective, show the victory of Scott and how he achieved it. Todd, Kelly and Graydon Creed make appearances. Jean laughs at Duncan as she dumps him. Duncan eats crow and gags.

“Damnit. Where the fuck are my pants?”

Duncan had got his clothes on in the order they came to him. In this case, that meant his shirt, coat and a pair of heart-pattern boxers that, though his size, were not his style.

And since it

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Challenge #00047: Weather the weather.

An apple, a surfboard and a typhoon. Somewhere in the story.

“This,” said Rael, “is not typical English weather.”

“Naw, it’s a wee bitty rough,” said Shayde. This was supposed to be her holiday ‘home’. Now they were stuck in a hotel and glaring at the weather. “Even fer Wales.”

“It’s raining sideways. It’s sleeting sideways. This is a bit more than a 'wee bitty

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