
A 5-post collection

George Zimmerman not guilty

This shit? Right there?

This is why the human race is considered insane.

When a white man can choose to carry a weapon and follow an unarmed black kid down and shoot him while on the phone to emergency services and still get away with it because he’s white

While a black woman goes to jail for shooting nobody as a warning whilst attempting to defend herself from an abusive spouse…

I’m just about done with America.

I used to dream about going there, one day. I used to want to visit and see all the wonderful things.

No more.

America, you are sick and diseased and you need to fucking stop.

This is a sad day for justice.

To black people everywhere, on behalf of the rare few decent white people still stuck on this planet with the rest of the scum:

I’m so sorry this happened.

I wish I could do something to help.

Male Privilege in the Media: Hart of Dixie

I like entertainment as much as anyone else, but I’m afraid I’m getting very jaded. Possibly more so now than ever as I round the horn into middle age and everything available just looks increasingly like More of the Same.

I objected to Big Brother when it was new. To my eyes, reality television is neither reality nor television. Just like white chocolate is neither white nor chocolate.

Anyway, onwards to my actual point.

I have, until recently,

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Feckin' entropy

It’s Friday. Five days into Sore Footsville. The sink is full of dirty dishes. The countertop is full of dirty dishes and filthy pots and pans.

Laundry is piling up again. Debris is starting to gather on the floor.

I am physically incapable of doing a damn thing about it.

Hubby and Shiftless are working late every night. The only person I can rely on to do anything is Mayhem.

Mayhem’s 10. He’d much rather be

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Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics

Someone, somewhere, theorised that we spend half our lives waiting for something to happen.

Be that in a queue or in waiting rooms, or sitting around and waiting for someone in power to get the thumb out of their divot and get things done.

I, currently, have wasted half my day waiting for the men of the house to get their hairy arses into gear so we can finally finish fixing that fucking fence. They apparently spent all night programming - at

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This just in! Apple Corp == Intellectual Property Thieves!

I read new T&C very carefully, folks. And I was alarmed by this passage in the iCloud T&C:

“However, by submitting or posting such Content on areas of the Service that are accessible by the public or other users with whom you consent to share such Content, you grant Apple a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license to use, distribute, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, publicly perform such Content on the Service for the purpose for which the Content

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