- I’m too broke to bugger off
- I’ve had a good look at everywhere else I could go and my options aren’t that great.
Seriously. Every other country either:
- has its own cans of arseholes
- is fuck-off cold
- doesn’t speak English
And when you get down to it, despite the toxic flora, fauna and mycotta, and the deadly landscape and the occasional cyclone season - this country would be perfect if we could just get rid of the scumfucks like Tony Abbott.
You have ten of the top 15 deadly snakes on the planet, you have trees whose sap causes chemical burns and whose wood/leaves induces asphixiation if burned, the jellyfish and other sea-life surrounding you is so toxic that it can kill in minutes… and the major-stand-out horrible issue in the view of a citizen… is an asshole politician.
Australia, ladies and gentlemen - they’ve got priorities.
Thing is - we can take precautions against all the other toxic shit that lives here.
But we can’t seem to un-elect the toxic shit that runs the country.