
A 4-post collection

Challenge #04413-L029: We'll Meet Again

The news of Gikka's passing due to old age filters its way to Wraithvine. The immortal dragon healer, in hir guise as a gnome, placed a gentle hand on Wraithvine's. "Never gone as long as she is remembered, and I'm not leaving your side any time soon, my friend. For I live as long as you." -- Anon Guest

Wraithvine hated goodbyes. Ze had had far too many of them in hir time if service. Outliving enemies and allies alike could easily make immortality a depressing slide into darkness. It could rot the soul if one wasn't very careful.

Bibrid had almost fallen into that pit. Then he met an Elven Wizard and a Kobold thief, and learned to love the world all over again.

Who could have thought, at the beginning of the world, that an Elf and a Dragon could walk side by side as friends? Not Bibrid. Not any of the Dragons who started the first of the Xenophobia Wars.Thousands upon thousands of years had passed between those early days and now. Thousands more may yet pass before either of them met their eternal rest.

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Challenge #04334-K316: Mourning is Broken

They set a flower upon the ground before a stone. When asked, they stated they were an orphan. But how could they be one if their parents raised them? Just because they were now an adult did not mean they were not their family's child. Looking sorrowfully upon the asker, they stated, their voice straining with pain. "In the end, almost all of us will end up orphans one day." -- Anon Guest

Lorin stared at the names on the memorial. How

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(Deep breath) Sigh

I got some bad news, yesterday afternoon. My good friendo in Tullagawupwup has passed on. Her mother found her, which is horrible for her. Parents should never have to bury their children.

I still don't know if I'm allowed to mention her name online. She never wanted her abusive ex to track her down through photos online or mentions of her name.

Well. That arsehole can't hurt her any more. He can't contact her, he can't cause her any more stress. In

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Jewish Mourning




For those wondering how to respectfully mourn Mr. Nimoy in his own traditions, rather than using the Christian iconography that is so prevalent in our culture, and yet so incredibly inappropriate, this is how. 

Jewish families “sit shiva” in respect for the dead for a period of seven days following a death. This is a time of mourning for the family, where they are visiting in their home by the community. It may be solemn, it may be a

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