
A 3-post collection

Challenge #04004-J352: Monster Spotting

Several bodies lay before them, a blade in their hand. The red marks that had once been chains around their bodies a deep red. They looked worried as they turned to the man in the red and yellow garments standing in the chamber with them. "I killed these people that tormented me for so long... why do I feel absolutely nothing about shedding their blood?" -- Anon Guest

[AN: The members of Pax Humanis wear yellow, red, and black. Much like a coral snake, it's a warning.]

There are different kinds of monsters. There are those who look monstrous, but are not. There are those who don't look monstrous at all, but choose evil every time they wake up. There are also those who make monsters, and those who kill them.

If you're good, you can actually tell the last two apart.

Mr Sunshine found her after she was quite done lifting up the objet d'art and smashing it into the remains. The remains, he had to note, of his target.

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Challenge #03187-H278: The Real Monsters

They looked like monsters, but when children, any children, were being mistreated? The ones that mistreated the children learned what real monsters really looked like. -- Anon Guest

The wrought-iron gate declared it to be the Everkind Sanctuary for Unwanted Children, and one running waif had incidentally sent Wraithvine their way. The child that the Elven Wizard had found went away with basic survival tools and a pouch full of New Start Money[1]. Now the alleged sanctuary was going to get

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Challenge #01461-C366: Abominations Are Relative

[Conversation Participant #1]: [Name mankind was not meant to know]! Where did you come from!? [Conversation Participant #2]: From the blighted womb of your worst nightmare, quivering on legs innumerable, soaked in the black ooze of your greatest fears. I rear back my heavy head, and howl: DETEEENTION ...for AAAALLL three of you! I swear, I'm the only one around here that doesn't find threats and violence to be charming. -- RecklessPrudence

"Aw come on Mx Elth... this is the AV club,

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