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Distress Call

A 2-post collection

Challenge #04465-L081: For the Greater Good

The planet's population was quarantined due to an illness outbreak. "Pure Life" groups kept trying to stop the Galactics and their allies from going in, even trying to use force, because "adaptation is the only way for a population to become immune." The humans with common sense laugh at them and plow through, saving it from becoming a dead world. -- Anon Guest

For every advance in science, society, and technology, there's at least one band of lunatics willing to oppose it with their very lives. Worse than those are the groups willing to oppose it with anyone else's life.

They both put up a strong fight, and it's hard to tell them apart without close scrutiny.

When lives are on the line, such as a viral outbreak in a planetary population, it ultimately doesn't matter. Fleets of Pure Life Advocates blockaded smaller fleets of Medik vessels attempting to answer the world's distress call.

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Challenge #04251-K233: Tiny and Deadly

The Gravity (aka Gravy) Drive pushed itself to its maximum. Its hull was damaged, the family within, several were hurt, and it was not going to let them down! Blaring every alert it could, it raced as fast as it could, perhaps recklessly so, toward the nearest base that could help it, and its loved ones. -- Anon Guest

Of all the critical damage a ship can suffer, one of the worst is debilitating damage to their Hungry Caterpillar object defense system.

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