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Date Night

A 4-post collection

Tuesday, Patreon and Date Night

I have finished a chapter of ADT! Hooray. Since it's a number divisible by five, I now owe some recordings. BUT... because date plns, I'm trying to focus on the daily offerings first.

If I don't get to the nonsense today, I'll get to it... Thursday. Because I already have PLNs to go help MeMum with nonsense.

Whee fun.

I also need to find a time window to concoct something for the Archive. I have some ideas, but nothing's popped into my head.

Onwards with making shit up.

Thursday, Date Night of Sorts?

Beloved has a Business Thing(tm) that involves a dinner and company, so I'm fancying myself up and meeting her and Adorable at place where we will go do thing.

So my priorities are to get my offerings out as soon as possible whilst also somehow ticking a side project off my little list.

I'll be checking an album whilst I work on a flash fiction, in case you're wondering.

Chapter Count: Just completed ch 384

I'm still looking for a refuge

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Wednesday, Wordpress and Date Night

I'm due to add more angst juice to the tank over on Wordpress, and also due to pick up my Beloved this evening for another night of delights.

I'm back to reading a chapter of Adapting a day, and trying to read five chapters and do my Patreon was one heck of a workload.

I was worn out by the time I was done with my offerings for the day. At least today promises to be breezier.

I am about to commence

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Wednesday, Patreon and Date Night

Beloved has therapy this morning, so I don't get to see her until this afternoon. I'm already dressed up fancy for the night.

IDK what we're doing since we're out of moneys. Quiet night in, mayhaps. But at least I look good for it.

It's been an expensive pay cycle, this time around. I feel guilty for not working harder to get my books ready for flicking at publishers. But I can only do so much at any given time.

I shall

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