Busy Busy

A 281-post collection

Cue "Yakety Sax"

That's "The Benny Hill Theme" to many of you dear readers. Ideal music for running about like a chook after a chook with a curly grub.

So this was yesterday:

  • Get Chaos ready for her psych visit
  • Forget to urge Mayhem into motion
  • See Beloved off to work
  • Prepare for a long-arse trip there and back again
  • Just as it's time to go, realise that Mayhem fell asleep instead of getting ready and have an emotional blowout
  • Drive Mayhem to school
  • Realise I forgot to put dinner on
  • Realise that the car I'm borrowing (because I'm picking up a dryer later on) is almost out of fuel1
  • Realise that we also forgot the entertainment and power cells at home
  • Refuel car, smashing left thumb in process
  • Run home and put dinner on
  • Realise that Chaos has lost her recharger and loan her my iPad
  • Forget sunglasses and own lunchable snacks on the countertop like a dummins
  • Realise this at the point of no return for ferrying Chaos to her shrink
  • Two hour trip to Maroochydore
  • Hurry up and wait, followed by shrink visit2
  • Phone the people who might have our new dryer (they had it! Yay!)
  • Two hour plus trip to Caloundra to get to the place that's selling the dryer
  • They won't take Beloved's card without Beloved and Beloved's ID attached
  • Phone Beloved, who then orders the damn thing online (I had to read them their own dang card)
  • Pony up to the front desk with order number, ID, and my own assurance that yes, we are SO's
  • Get paperwork to fetch the dryer
  • Rattle around to the back of the shop to pick it up
  • Hurry up and wait, followed by actually getting the dang thing in the car
  • Drive home (roughly half an hour)
  • Get 1000 kilograms of dryer (I shit you not) out of the dang car so that both my kids can fit in
  • Also get same mass of dryer into the house in case weather
  • Half hour breather in the AC (::angel sounds::)
  • Fetch Mayhem
  • Collapse

And during all this, my longest, bestest friend is having a crisis because everyone else in the world has lead in their butts. Stay strong, friendo, everything will come into place. Trust in providence. Sometimes, aggressively so.

And this is today:

  • See Beloved off to work
  • Organise both little darlings for school
  • Do my Instant
  • Go to my shrink for what could possibly be an official diagnosis after 40-some years of just being bizarre
  • Sometime in there, do more work on my novel
  • Slot in time for some semi-serious doodles for the Sleep Evil Sleep project (which I am also having panic fits about)
  • Slot in some time to work on a project for an online alias I have
  • Somehow arrange dinner3
  • Fetch the kids
  • And probably collapse

And this is all before I get smeared with the Fuckup Factor. If yesterday's comedy of errors is any precedent, I'm in for an entirely sideways week. Because it includes swapping my license plates for cool new personalised ones, which also includes a run-around, paperwork and hurry-up-and-wait :P

And we still haven't got back to doing our exercises as of yet.


  1. Thanks, my love, for never firkin checking that until it's nearly too late.

  2. And some time in here, do some work on my book...

  3. At this point, I am certain that it's going to be yesterday's dinner with more veg thrown in and a little more water.


Our dryer is officially dead on a day when we need it the most, what with the sky deciding that today is a lovely day to frell up my plans to actually slot in some firkin laundry before the day really gets hot.

For the record, it's already 25C (78F) at half-past six in the morning, and humid with it. Bleh. And it only promises to get hotter and muggier throughout the remains of the day.

This is the sort of weather

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Day of rest?

There's markets on, today. Markets that we should be at by eight. They close at eleven.

Then there's a barbecue lunch at a friend of Beloved's from work.

By which time I will possibly be knackered again.

And I have to make certain that my kids' bags are packed and ready, that their lunchboxes are named, that Chaos' hair is treated again... this time with stuff that will not poison all participants.

Because Monday is a school day. And even more chaos

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Nothing much...

It's Friday, and I usually make myself write one thousand words in my WIP so I can finish of my 3K a week and have the weekends for whatever happens to be going on.

I'm trying to keep up with everything, but I'm starting to feel overwhelmed. And most of it's through making other people do the things they need to do in their day-to-day life. As well as getting myself up and at it.

So I have a creeping feeling of

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What a Day

Things to do today:

  • [ ] Go on our walk with the whole family
  • [X] This blog
  • [ ] My Instant
  • [ ] Entry for what is fast becoming my foodie blog with occasional bits of personal life in it
  • [ ] Downloading and uploading pix for said foodie blog
  • [ ] Book run for both the kids' school books
  • [ ] Shrink visit
  • [ ] School supplies run with the kids for socks, jocks, lunchbox, shoes, and a small tin of vibrantly-obvious paint [long story]
  • [ ] Tidy up a patch of house
  • [ ] At least do one
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Mor writing! Mor work!

So let's recap:

I'm running another blog alongside my story Steemit for all things culinary, scientific, and personal that I have to keep separate from my authorial persona. I'm also running this blog for everything else and generic life updates.

So alongside my Instant, scheduling past Instants, and writing a novel, I should be writing at least one culinary thing and maybe an opinion piece in this other blog.

And I still have to do maintenance on the house, feed and groom

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Living in the procrasti-nation

The scary thing about my levels of procrastination is that Beloved is worse. I've procrastinated doing my daily duties by writing the starting paragraphs of a book that I'm not due to start until 2018. I love the concept and it's so shiny. I had the perfect starter sentence and I could not resist setting a scene.

Of course, since the Mou editor is slower than frozen molasses, I started editing in my old friend, TextWrangler.

Everything old is new again.


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If there's anything more irritating to live with than a case of the Slo-Mo's, I can't think of it right now.

I couldn't get to sleep until Beloved came home. Well, not properly. I managed to cat-nap until that time. And then I woke at four in the morning. Too tired to sleep.

Which is a bitch if there ever was one.

Since Beloved was home late, I gave up on the morning walk and dived straight into getting the kids organised.

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Yoiks and Awaaaaaay...

Once again, I got rejected. Once again, I do this nonse:

[Shown: Daffy Duck repeatedly swinging into a tree]

I figured this was going to take some time. When I run out of likely candidates in one agency, I will try another. Until I run down to the bottom of my 30-person list.

Only then will I put up Kung Fu Zombies on Amazon and Smashwords.

But in the meantime, there's a new short story for free. It's currently only available in

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I'm 44

...and everything's gone to shit. I got rejected by yet another agent, the birthday card from MeMum hasn't arrived yet (three raspberries for the Aussie postal service), and the careful timing of this morning did not account for Beloved dragging their feet until such time that I have to do my blogging on the road. Huzzah.

Thank providence for laptops, mobile hotspots, and USB car charger ports. Otherwise, I would be supremely miffed at my Beloved.

All going well, I will achieve

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Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle. I have kids to deliver to grandparents on Saturday. Tech support and guests coming up on Sunday. The house is entirely skew-wiff. And I only have so many spoons with which to make improvements.

Beloved is seeing a dietician today, which will likely mean that 1000000000% of the food they love and the food we have is instantly unsuitable and must be taken far, far away and burned for the good of humanity.

And it will also mean that

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::William Tell Overture plays again::

Things to do:

  • Blog
  • Instant Story
  • 500 words in the novel
  • Return or exchange mis-sized clothing that Beloved got for the kids
  • Watch the latest Bourne movie because we're both nerds
  • Take family to see Kubo and the Two Strings because it is AWESOME! And we're all nerds
  • ...find time to froth at someone about how awesome Steam Powered Giraffe is

And I nearly had a mental blowout because I thought I lost one of my treasured Vice Quadrant pins. Turns out

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O Chaos

The reason why I am so late getting today's content to you runs... long and complicated. So I shall attempt to summarise...

  1. Mayhem was sick, last night
  2. Leading me to make an appointment with the doctors as soon as I could because new policies are coming into place
  3. Beloved's car was in repairs and I did not know this until it was time to go delivering little darlings to their respective destinations
  4. Beloved's car rescue was happening at the same time as
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::deep breath in:: Big Raspberry Out

I have a lot on my plate, already. And I have a REALLY long day planned, which includes a trip out shopping to get essentials, non-essentials, things for my microbial-sized business venture...

And this afternoon is going to be filled with trying to talk to assorted teachers, sorting out SET plans for Mayhem, and generally milling about like a lost soul and steering Chaos out of danger.

I do not have the time and the clean equipment to cook anything (Mayhem's been

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Up and down, up and down...

Once again, it's another trip to Maroochydore for Chaos' greater mental health. Good thing I got the paperwork done for that as soon as I could.

I have until August to chase down the paperwork for the paediatrician, and thereby gain Chaos some special schooling. All in-between de-mucking the house, teaching Chaos and Mayhem some good habits, and attempting to keep myself fit.

And writing a novel.

And building earrings and a small business in a niche market.

And getting samples ready

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