Busy Busy

A 281-post collection

Madness Day

Today is the day that horses run around in Melbourne and the entire nation stops to watch them. Today is the day when my Beloved is putting out fires in the server room.

Today is the day I don't see the love of my life until the wee smol hours in the next morning.

Today, I was charged with waking my love at 5:30AM when I usually wake up our spawn. Just so that they could get out of the house early enough to be prepared for the ravening horde of punters come close to midday.

So of course I woke up at BF AM and got up to 3/4 of the way through editing Inter-Mission episode sixteen. One more early morning and it'll be in the can and I can record the next five stories for the next episode to edit. Yay.

Mayhem has early finishings after morning exams, so my schedule is kind'a whack. Which is why I'm taking it easy on my novel in the first place.

I have learned that my lappy is not compatible with Roll20, so I plan on messing with that sometime today. Possibly after the madness has drizzled to a halt today.

...it might not happen. We'll see. Let's get on with it.

Progress Was Had

Whilst waiting for Toasty to start her stream, I got quite a few fictions moved off of the paid content list of my Patreon. Because it is actually sketchy to charge for access to that.

So. From oldest entry to newest, I have moved all the fanfictions onto Patreons Only content from the $5 tier. I'm in the process of moving all the stuff off of the $10 tier, but there's WAY more of them than there were of the $5 tier.

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Okay. Let's Do This

So far this fine morrow:

  • Got the kids organised and off to school
  • Acquired kitty necessities (food & litter)
  • Acquired fuel for vehicle

So now I'm broke and can't afford to restock my supply of Peanut Butter Cup flavoured Halo Tops. Dag.

The things I do for love.

Today has a Wordpress piece due, so I'll be ranting about another aspect of saving the world, since I only have two more unpublished novels for y'all to take a free gander at, so

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A Challenge!

Today is Thursday. Though I have everything in place for the finishing of episode ten of Inter-Mission, I haven't had the wherewithal to sit down and just edit sound.

So yeah, this is close to the wire because cats. And procrastination. Cats and procrastination.

Speaking of, my little creature decided to inspect my lap (got scritches) and inspect my desk this AM. Cute as hell, but it didn't help me get anything accomplished.

I have my focus music on, and after I

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That Went Well...

So. In one day, we have:

  • Realised the short walkway is too long and cut it to size
  • Including angle-grinding the sharp bits off
  • Fit a skin to the junction between short and long walkways (it's a mess, but it works!)
  • Mis-measured an entire part of the whole mess
  • Made a new one that's way better
  • Mis-measured the legs for same
  • Fixed that
  • Had to get more mesh for the new part
  • And a bunch of other stuff, too
  • Developed a PLN
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I Have a PLN

Today: The instant Chaos is off to school, I paddle on out to Bunnings and get some steel for bracers for the metal bender. I know we're going to need them, but Beloved is still in denial. We shall see who is correct.

Tomorrow: Beloved is taking a day off, so don't expect much in the way of my output until either the work is done, or we run out of daylight. Be warned.

The stories and writing happen whenever I have

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I Run Around... From Town to Town...

So. Yesterday, I had to get a whole bunch of stuff so we can bend the metal mesh and thereby make the walkways. Metal-bending tools exist but the CO$T is more than we can bear. Besides, you can make your own for like $300.

I only forgot one thing - C-clamps :P

So today:

  • Clean the house
  • Write the instant
  • Get the C-clamps
  • Also acquire cream and sour cream
  • The Brat Run

So yeah. I'm a busy li'l bumblebee today. I

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Thant's the sound I'm making in the attempt to get this project up and complete to the last yard.

To do:

  • Attach roof beams.
  • Paint frame and door
  • Attach door
  • Attach skin
  • Acquire materials for walkway
  • Make walkway
  • Furnish interior of kittycat condo.

I'm planning to use all the daylight at my disposal for this, and you'd never guess that Beloved wants to do this at all.

Therefore, the story will be happening way, way, WAY later in the day. After we

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Concrete Day!

I'm doing what I can to get the writing things done early so a majority of my day can be taken up by concrete. I only have the vaguest recollection of manipulating the stuff myself, and most of that was being allowed to scribe my name into a slab with a stick.

I was very smol at the time.

This is a cubic meter of concrete to be shaped into a floor for a cat enclosure.

...and of course my ability to

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It's stopped raining, however temporarily it might be doing so. However, my spidey senses adjusted septum is telling me that rain should be coming by. Soon to now.

Please, rain, do kindly fuck off to the dryer regions until we have that concrete nice and set. There's a peach.

Today, Beloved and I are boxing out the concrete zone. I am also unfucking the house, writing my Instant, and potentially scribing 1K words further towards this week's goal of 9K. If I

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More Shenanigans!

We thought it would be a simple stapling job. Half an hour, tops. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.


It was the archetypical "five minute job" in which the client -Capt. S.- seriously misunderestimated how complicated the job was.

Have you ever tried to tailor-cut wood with a staplegun? No? That's the kind of job we had. We needed tools and the ones we had access to were lost, broken, rusted, or incomprehensible.

So of course that necessitated a visit to the

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Hocus Pocus

I really gotta focus.

Beloved stayed home to help me yesterday, and today the entire frame is complete and awaiting Tuesday. Tuesday is when all the fun happens.

The boxing, the concrete pour, the levelling thereof and all the jiggery-pokery. After that bullshit is over with, I have to harass my beloved into constructing the walkway that will connect the cat shelter with the main structure of the house.

Of course, I still have to go over said structure with Spakfilla and

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Busy-arse day

Following a worse night. Like, shit. I was already exhausted from a combo of eff-off AM wake-up and stressing about the Kitty Kondo(tm)... but last night.


I went to bed at like 6:30, sure I was going to sleep the night. Nope. Twenty-minute naps at best, interspersed with waking up to either Beloved's television choices or Chaos on her giggle runs up and down the hall.

Until nearly firkin midnight. Like cheese, peeps. Have some mercy.

The rest of

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Busy Day Ahead

I have to do the writing things. Obviously. My Tumblr inbox is empty so any TAZ flash fanfictions I come up with will be my own. Yay, I guess. One less thing to fret about.

I moved a whole pile of dirt [and likely 14 nuts within] to fill a hole, and that was hard yakka. I need to finish notching the posts, but I need assistance on that shiznit, so the PLN, such as it is, will include more ground prep.

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