
A 9-post collection

Challenge #02590-G033: Let's Pretend For a While

There are people who will shout from wherever they can find to shout from that autism isn't a disability. That it should be celebrated. And I have to wonder if those people have ever found themselves so upset they couldn't talk, so frustrated that they couldn't control where their hands went, movements jerky, not even able to prepare a hot breakfast out of the knowledge that they'd burn themselves accidentally if they didn't calm down first. If that's ever happened to them five days out of seven for a month or two. Do they know that floating feeling that comes of too much rage too fast and holding back a meltdown until they're AWAY from everyone? Of having to shove a note into their partner's face to watch the kids while they go to a quiet room to be alone so they can cry undisturbed until their emotions are back to something manageable and words make sense again?

Funny thing is, even with all of that and more, I'm still "high functioning". So, tell me again how I'm not disabled. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Speaking as a "mostly functioning" Autiste, I know the cure for all of these is more education about how to help the Autiste in question.]

When you break down how people talk about a perceived affliction, you get more of an education about it. Disability - from 'dis' - a prefix implying a lack or a broken state of the latter half, 'ability'. The lack of an ability, or a broken state of ability. High or low function. Function, the capability of an item being useful in some way to intelligent beings around it.

True evil begins when you treat people like things, wrote a philosopher of Human nature. He was right, of course. When people talk of other people in terms of their 'use', their 'usefulness', how they could be of profit... those people who are talked about become like things. They are no longer people.

When you treat people like things, those people get angry. It's perfectly natural. Stresses not even given to a "normal"[1] person build up, like drops of water into a pool. Some can handle more. Many handle less. Ridicule, mockery, and other micro-aggressions build up alongside the more "normal" stresses until complete collapse becomes an inevitability.

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Police Officer Allegedly Shackled Elementary School Students With ADHD

Police Officer Allegedly Shackled Elementary School Students With ADHD


A federal lawsuit out of Kentucky has placed law enforcement in the
spotlight once again, raising concerns about overzealous disciplinary
policies carried out against special-needs students when they commit
minor infractions.

That is a hellishly uncomfortable position to be in - even if you’re hyper-mobile. This is fucking abuse.

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polyglotplatypus: polyglotplatypus: Just because I'm doing my best not to appear weird, DON'T ACT LIKE I'M NOT DISABLED WHEN YOU KNOW I...



Just because I’m doing my best not to appear weird, DON’T ACT LIKE I’M NOT DISABLED WHEN YOU KNOW I AM. I’m not asking for pity, just understanding.

…God, having that conversation made me so mad, and I’m pretty sure other mentally disabled people had to go through the same bullshit.

#i am not autistic but i still feel like this message is important #op i understand if you want me to remove it though

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Gut Microbes Linked to Autism-Like Symptoms in Mice - Slashdot

Gut Microbes Linked to Autism-Like Symptoms in Mice - Slashdot

Further evidence for the gut microbe theory of Autism…

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iamthethunder: (The image is an overturned tanker, a colossus in white, blue, and red on a blue, relatively calm sea. It is lying on its...


(The image is an overturned tanker, a colossus in white, blue, and red on a blue, relatively calm sea. It is lying on its side. The puzzle piece logo and the words ‘Autism Speaks,’ in the characteristic font and shade of blue, have been Photoshoped onto the side. It is captioned ‘Your ship of fail Listeth, sire).

Please pass these things around when you see them. The Internet runs on rumors and self-fulfilling prophecies.

Read more » I need more training! (discussion of traumatized autistic child and strategies for helping) I need more training! (discussion of traumatized autistic child and strategies for helping)




I've become pretty confident in my ability to assist adolescent Autistic/Aspergers students with superb verbal skills and mild-to-negligible behavior issues.

Student is now pretty good at sniffing out when others are teasing him under the guise of "just being friendly" and is able to tell them...

I'm not a teacher, but I am a mum of two kids on the ASD rainbow.

Read more » I need more training! (discussion of traumatized autistic child and strategies for helping) I need more training! (discussion of traumatized autistic child and strategies for helping)


I've become pretty confident in my ability to assist adolescent Autistic/Aspergers students with superb verbal skills and mild-to-negligible behavior issues.

Student is now pretty good at sniffing out when others are teasing him under the guise of "just being friendly" and is able to tell them…

I’m not a teacher, but I am a mum of two kids on the ASD

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opalhonors: Hey guys, please reblog if you would like a book with an autistic main character. I'm thinking of seeing if I could get my...


Hey guys, please reblog if you would like a book with an autistic main character.

I’m thinking of seeing if I could get my NaNoWriMo work published, and I would like to show any agents/publishers that there would be a market for such a book.

Oh please. My littles need hero(ines) like them .

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