
A 4-post collection

Challenge #03332-I044: Don't Try That at Home

A young Havenworlder was in the infirmary having their wing carefully bandaged, the bone broken. Fortunately, they'd been strong enough to not go into shock from the injury. What had happened? They had decided to try some of the self-defense moves they'd seen humans do in a movie and ended up having a bad fall. The parents had been in the process of signing them up for beginner lessons and now would have to wait until they healed. -- Anon Guest

The good news was that Phex was strong enough to survive the shock of a broken bone. He was still nominally conscious as the attending Mediks held his wing in place as the printer set a cast around it[1]. The negligibly good news was that they had some fantastic painkillers on hand.

"It's leaving whiskers... c'n I pet it?"

"Best to leave it alone, dear," said Medik Bolyss. "We need to stay still, remember?" Oh. Right. This was the Very Still Game. Breathing and blinking were allowed but every other movement meant that someone could miss out on a lollipop. Good thing talking was allowed too or they'd both be out.

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Challenge #03015-H092: Minor Disaster Averted

H: Ow.

A: What happened? Do you need medical?

H: Second, I'm on my way to medical already. First, I jarred the ankle on my good foot while trying not to mess up my bad foot further. A I guess?... I think I sprained something again.

A: Stay right there, I'll get a chair with wheels on it.

H: Oh yeah, I didn't think of that. That would be WAY faster than trying to limp there...

A: And it would

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Challenge #02710-G153: Paradox Wreck

As a warning for any future scientist: Do not hook up a warp-drive engine to a gravity-generator. you will create a gravity cannon that will obliterate 1/3 of a class zegalbond warship, but also lose 1/3 of you blood without any wounds. -- Anon Guest

They called it 'warp drive' in flagrant violation of copyright at the time of the wreck's discovery. What it did was create a temporary 'soft spot' between real space and the parallel dimensional brane known

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The Drops

MeMum used to call it “dropsy” when she was feeling whimsical. On other days, it was the “sadim"s [Midas spelled backwards]. Those days when everything around you seems destined to ricochet off the floor.

I prefer to call it "the drops” so people don’t look at me funny.

Mayhem has it this morning. He’s spilled seven different things towards the floor - including my morning beverage and the cat’s

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