Since the Christmas chainsaw has the exact sound profile of a toy, we're relatively free to go out pruning at the crack of dawn as well as the afternoon.
We were doing quite well this morning, until the battery ran flat.
We will get more branches cut down this afternoon. I've signed up the spawn to help out and spell me on the pruning work. Theoretically, we can get the branches away from the fence a lot faster than if it was just me.
I might ask for spare batteries or where to get them. Or at least find out how much they cost. Power, or at least enough battery power, promises to be some degree of fun. Or what would be fun if we weren't suffering through a heatwave.
As for parkrun, that's off today. We have hair appointments and Chaos is getting access to her ebike full time. Not enough time windows for walking 5K.
...and now I need to go take some painkillers because I can feel a cyclone headache coming on.
Story and offerings out there very soon to now.