Monday, Day One, and Schadenfreude

This morning comes with some interesting news, such as the fact that the Muppet has himself some impending legal and financial trouble following his exit from the Whitehouse.

He thinks he can give himself a full pardon for everything. The people who know more about it say "lol nope". It's never been attempted before, and the Muppet's got just enough hubris to try.

Today's PLN includes unfucking the house, some more words into KOSBOB, and of course the daily tale.

Let's look at what the world's been up to:

  • Muppet accidentally tweets that Biden won, takes it back
  • Tiffany Trump is the latest poor little rich girl
  • Mystery plague cluster in South Australia. Cherchee la Karen
  • Infant in USA dies of heroin overdose
  • Your change could be worth squillions
  • Skywriting in Sydney claims Trump won and echoes of the spurious fraud claims
  • Sizzler and its cheesy toast going, going, gone
  • Lockdown caused one entrepreneur to invent reusable makeup removal product
  • Ivana Trump, famous ex-wife, states publicly that Muppet is a bad loser. Theory confirmed
  • Muppet press secretary claims one million MAGAs marched in protest of the vote, crowd numbers closer to ten thousand
  • Most of the vote-related lawsuits enacted by the Muppet have been either withdrawn or laughed out of court
  • Of the fraud actually committed, the found cases have all been Repugnicans attempting to stuff the ballots
  • Voter Fraud Hotline prank calling is still trending on TikTok
  • Muppet protesting to keep his job so hard that he isn't doing said job
  • Google adds virtual native animals to Augmented Reality app

This is why I take a day away from the news on weekends. I might take two if things continue to be effed up.