Friday, Raspberry Pi and Jiggery-Pokery

I did not, in fact, wreck the thing forever. The machine is assembled, the OS is installed, so now I'm pondering the software. Which is going on the world's smallest data chip. Currently in its carry-case until I find or figure out how to install the software on the thing.

My current issue - where does data chip go? I cannot figure out the receptacle for it to reside.

It'll be unriddled in time, I'm sure.

Soon, mu-ha, we shall have... AD-FREE INTERWEBS MUA-HAHAHAHAHAHA ::lightning crash::

It'll be interesting to see if it effectively reduces our internet bill or improves our web browsing speed.

I have to ring people today, as well as doing the offerings for all my lovely readers. Very nervousness-making. BUT I really need to track one doctor down and contact another about my dang heels.

I'll calm down with an offering first.

Then I'll call a bunch of people.