When is a cat not an ordinary cat? And when is a cat a link to a life-saving miracle worker? When that cat is named Lilbit, is immortal, and owned by an immortal elf living in the elf's cottage. -- Anon Guest
[AN: Wraithvine wanders. The cottage is a portable magician's tower in a dimensional pocket that's more a place to stay when no other venues are available.]
The cat was gloriously fluffy, and very confident. Her tail was high as she strode along the trail. A cat like that, reasoned Yugit, had to have a doting owner. Maybe a half-blind old lady who gave her cats too much... and wouldn't notice a scrawny little monster like Yugit.
Ze was glad to be some blind old lady's Brauniin if it came to that. Ze'd do hir best for anyone who gave hir food. Even if they didn't mean to give hir food.
But it was hard work to be useful when you were just a little monster. Underfed and weak, and very often sick. Yugit had learned that even a sick, weak little monster could make certain the woodpile was full, and that the dross pail got emptied, or that there was always water from the pump. Even a little monster could go scurrying through the woods and add piles of wild berries and herbs to the household stocks.
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