Challenge #04260-K242: You Say That So Often...

The woman was a CEO, as brutal as they came. She was lucky, she was wanted alive. Didn't stop the Hunter from stating calmly. "Alive does not mean intact. Surrender, we do things mostly soft. Otherwise, we do things MY way." -- Anon Guest

This wasn't fair! Couldn't they tell that I was beyond the rules? Rules were made for others, not me! I'm the one who made the rules! I'm the one who rules all! Everyone below me or my peers was less than Human. And that included the specimen that managed to catch my guards off guard.

When I find out which of those incompetents let that specimen in, they're going to wish they were killed in the line of duty.

I'm not some helpless maiden waiting for a heroes rescue, either. I have my own wits and initiative. If I didn't, then I'd be some other CEO's brood mare and I never wanted that. While the specimen didn't leave me tools, I was able to create something that worked well enough. I escaped my restraints. I found a way out of the chamber that specimen left me in. All I needed was something to work as a weapon and--

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