Challenge #04258-K240: Dawn of a New Day

They saw the cottage just... appear. It was rough looking, but it had a pleasant garden, and there was smoke coming from the chimney. The weather, horrific, and they were starving, tired, and cold. They went inside, napped by the fire, and surprised to be awakened by a soft voice asking them what had happened and who they were? -- Anon Guest

Cold and wet is bad in the wilderness, especially when one is also starving. It takes extra energy to get out of the dangerous situation. In that kind of pickle, the sudden appearance of a little cottage out of nowhere is not questioned. The three Adventurers barely looked at the nice cottage garden, but did take the time to find an unlocked door.

They hung their wet clothes near the hearth and praised the gods for the gruel in the cauldron. Grateful for the food and the warmth, they were safe enough to fall asleep.

They did not expect anyone else in the house.

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