Challenge #03125-H216: Save Your Gluthorpian Dollars...

So y’all are fine with killing other Xenos, but then some Humans do the same thing to other Humans and it’s suddenly immoral? At least we’re consistent with our genocidal policies. -- Anon Guest

[AN: I do not condone genocide of any kind btw]

The war was over, for certain. Not because any side had won, but because there was little fight with, or even over. Most of the contested territory was radioactive, no longer fertile, and, in fact, hostile to all forms of known life. Declaring victory was most definitely a moot point. Nevertheless, the Antipathy insisted on trying.

"We are the pure and most high. Blessed by the One Highest Power. Of course our supremacy will rise to shine our glory on the known universe." High Faluter Nazpurs still held his head high despite the heavy restraints on his person. "We will never surrender. Especially not to adulterated mutant monkeys like yourself."

On the side of the "adulterated mutant monkeys", Negotiator Human Tan bit his tongue and thought of something more diplomatic to say than, Big talk from a man with two junked warships to his name. "We're not negotiating your surrender. We're negotiating your species' survival."

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