Whoa! Sorry, it usually doesn't do that...

Amusing/embarassing “misfires” of mutant powers in casual (or perhaps intimate?) moments.  Choices (pick any 3): Kurt, Kitty, Jean, Spike, Bobby.






Evan turned to look. “Oh. Whoops. Um. Sorry?”

Logan sighed, covered from the waist up in sharp protrusions of bone. “Keep outta public zones in future. Not everyone can survive this.”


“So… you have an internal compass.”


“And an innate sense of direction from getting the ‘feel’ of every place you go?” said Amanda.


“So how the heck can we be lost in a freaking corn maze?”

“Thunderstorm?” Kurt pointed one of his fingers skywards. “It’s throwing me off.”

“Can you port us out of here before it starts raining? Please?”

“Er. You got the part about thunderstorms, ja?”

Amanda sighed. “Okay. We’re cheating. Head towards the Big Dipper.”


“Scary movie?”

Kitty screamed. “No it isn’t.”

“Liar,” said Rogue.

“Like, you can tell?”

The normally sullen goth smirked and pointed to the couch, and the fact that Kitty was hovering half a foot above it.

“Okay. So it’s, like, a scary movie.”

[Muse food remaining: 7. Submit a prompt! Ask a question!]