Wednesday, Wordpress and Invention

I think I shall be writing about writing for Wordpress today. The continuing saga of A Devil's Tale is getting enormous. Fourth book, fourth GoogDoc. Trying to find an end where I can move onwards to the series of epilogues that I wanted to wind up the story with.

I might also involve a few diatribes about the drudgery of self care.

Once more there shall be trains of rambling thought, all stitched together with what I'm thinking at the time.


I'm prioritising my map work since my group of Rainbow-coded VTTRPG people are anticipating Candy Heist.

My PLNs to get an "easy" bonus is to work on the map while also checking an album for (a) playability and (b) keepability.

One week and I'm gaming my own system. Go me.

I have also "invented" Noodles And Cheese [aka Theoretical Mac&Cheese] this morning. The theory being that macaroni is pasta, and so is the angel-hair pasta nests of which we have a metric fuckton. I crushed and cooked two such nests and then treated them like macaroni when doing the cheese sauce. A little butter, a lot of cream, and a generous handful of cheese mixed very well with the pasta. Results? Yum.

Let's get on with getting on with it.