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Wednesday, Unfuckening Complications

My attempts to move my Steam games to Linux have come to the temporary halt of Thing Not Working Like It Should.

I'm going to need someone with more prowess at these things to watch me do exactly the same thing I've done like five hundred times before. The Fickle Finger of Tech Failure is completely vulnerable to the Expert Observer effect.

I shall finish this blog and then sally forth for some minor supplies and bits and bobs. I plan on hitting four different places. When I come back, I'll get a wriggle on with my offerings. Including the blog rant.

I also have a thing I really should write for the Archive. I have two sentences in it. Getting back to what passes for normal is a thing I need to do.

The transfer is a slow thing, I guess. I can still work in Linux. And so I shall as much as I can.

I launch. I shall return, and there shall be offerings.