My site is back up! Yay.
My internet is down. Boo.
I'm currently able to send this because phone data works with my laptop.
So. For those of you who missed the updates on my other places, the list of tales you missed before today:
It's only two, but at least they're readily accessed. I will be tagging this blog entry as Instant Story. For the archive.
I'll be posting the daily tale and then working to fix Miss Chaos' computer, ridding it of dust. If I can't find the vacuum, I'll have to go get one.
Meanwhile, all of my appointments today cancelled, so I actually have the time to do that. Huzzah.
And I need to check my notes to see if it's re-pitch time, too. Bleh.
Later. When I have full access to long-form video essays on YouTube.
Update: Chaos found the vacuum cleaners. So I'll be getting right on that. After I post.