We're taping and papering out windows, today. My other plns to hunker and bunker are foiled by having a dental appointment.
The day before the cyclone fucking hits us.
I have excellent fucking timing. It's a gift.
So in the middle of tape and paper [I got a bargain lot of butcher's paper from a newfound source of stuff and things] I have to extract my car from the shed, drive myself down to the dentist's [through the slings and arrows of anyone else crazy enough to be out at this time in the proceedings], get my teeth seen to and somehow get my arse safely home.
Part of this operation includes moving the wheelie bins AGAIN so I can get my car out of its safe haven. Then when I get back, shoving everything back in and shutting the door.
And then I still have to tape and paper all the fucking windows.
If no stories happen today, you'll know that I'm wrapped up in duct tape and butcher's paper. Or the power and internet died before I could sit for making up a story.
I'm trying my best, folks.