Tuesday, Fewer Hours

Mayhem had a later start this morning and an earlier finish this arvo. I have less hours for my assorted shenanigans today. Including making sure Owlbear works on OBS with everything else.

I have yet to work out KittyCam for my writing stream, and using the intro timer as well.

Baby steps.

Today, my priority is the offerings first, then a little screwing around in Stencyl. Just to have my chart picked in the new colour. If I ragequit Stencyl before the time to launch for Mayhem, I shall mess around in OBS.

Results not guaranteed.

I may or may not have my GoogDocs glitch sorted by not keeping so many fucking GoogDocs tabs open. Time will tell if it's right.

I'm only hurting on the inside about killing some of my tab hoard. It's fine. I'll survive. Somehow.

Onwards to making the daily dose of fiction.