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Tuesday, Attempts Shall Be Made

I had some irregular sleep, yesterday, so I haven't got moving before eight. After I make my usual offerings, I shall be attempting to get a video up on Patreon without using YouTube.

I suspect that YouTube will be a vile necessity.

I'm planning to do bread this week. Thursday and Friday seem like good days to do that. And at some point, I need to toddle out and go get household supplies.

I've signed up for the 5K Bridge to Brisbane, because I know I can do 5K. I might actually train up to do the whole 10K between now and next year's Bridge to Brisbane.

I wanted to support ASAN [Autism Self Advocacy Network] with my funds, but they didn't have it. Most of the other available charities are... eh... problematic. At least to my left-leaning cultural awareness set.

Multi-billion-dollar corporations don't need my wallet to fund good things.

Anyway. Onwards with the offerings, and my learning journey.