Yuletide Prep

A 20-post collection

::Hyper-frenetic Chase Music::

It's the day for laying in supplies, storage of same, and unfucking the house without paid assistance.

If I can convince the family to do some of the storage and unfucking, I might be ahead of the game. Stop laughing at me in that tone of voice.

It's almost 6AM. I am going to try for the Instant before I go rocketting off on my assorted adventures.

I already know I'm coming home with six kilos of prawns and a big ol' ham. It's the rest of it that is giving me a concern. I haven't found anything colourful or nice to wear for the feast day, and all my old stuff is falling apart because cheap clothes do that, and some part of me wants to add a bunch of veggies so I can get back to having plants in my diet and AAAAUUUGH.

I always go bonkers during Crimbolio. This is just the minor manifestation of the same.

...also have to remember to feed the cats...

UPDATE - I am having some shenanigans with the forum so used prompts are being tagged with a notification until I can get this mess unfucked. Thank you for your patience.


I think my little Tiefling is actually done! I'm still painting the Kobold, because Sisu, but that's probably not turning up on my Patreon. Because Kobolds are tiny, difficult to paint, worse to make look good, and I'm just over here trying my best.

Speaking of trying my best, I have learned:

  • How to fade individual bits in Garageband
  • How to make sure streams are recorded in Twitch
  • Even though you try your hardest not to, Kobold painting will result in spill
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Last Week of School

Miss Chaos is in the last week of her education, so I can accurately predict a whole bunch of late stories in the future because slobbing around and doing nothing is my jam.

I will endeavour to get all my shit done before sunset. No guarantees.

Asterisk: Reminder that sunset in Sunny Queensland happens at around six to seven PM because Summer.

Today's a cleaning day, and I have to do a cash run, but beyond that, there are no plans. Not

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It's beginning to look a lot like summer

While I haven't seen the obligatory dead snake, we did narrowly avoid a red-bellied black as it was crossing a road, so I'm going to count it. Deadly though they may be, I cringe at killing out shy and venomous retiring wildlife. And it's summer. There's pretty much part of Australia on fire every day.

I have the AC on in the computer room and I'm not wearing much more than my cotton nightshirt... and I'm sweltering. And it's only halfway 8AM

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A Change of PLN

I love using Sir Terry Pratchett's feegle word 'pln' for a plan that is not... the best-cemented plan on the old drawing board.

Today's pln was to go and fetch Chaos back from her stay with Capt S. Bring along KIABIL to fix some shit, eat a lunch and finally go home.


Today's pln is now tomorrows pln and I get abandoned to my own devices [fanfic] whilst Beloved and KIABIL go to Capt S, fix some shit, eat a lunch,

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