Write Something

A 249-post collection

It's not called that anymore.

Place names change over time. Often in response to something that happened at that location that changed how people thought about it. For instance, did you know that it’s nigh-impossible to easily find an English source for what the locals called ANZAC Cove before WW1?

What about when the meaning behind the new name is forgotten… why is this place named [name here]? It doesn’t fit with the surrounding place names… – RecklessPrudence


Part of Shayde’s holiday ‘home’ on Earth included some small amount of touching base. Or, in her case, seeing what had happened to places she knew in the five hundred years since her departure.

So far “nearly normal” Nimbin was a thriving alternative energy research centre, Woodstock was an industrial complex and the little village of Dafadd Gwedyll ar Afon was an oak grove. And ruined stone buildings.

Now, she came to Berkely Campus. What she called Berkely Campus, anyway. The roads were still there, but it had transformed. The strict, age-related industrial education model had long since been replaced by a better model. What was once a green was now a playground. What was once a corner cafe was now a reading library with inbuilt futons and a pillow pit. And what was once the energy experiment building…

Was the Hackmeyer Memorial.

“Na, that’s just insultin'…” Shayde murmured, staring at the bronze statue of a balding man in a knitted vest at work at his desk. The sculptor had obliterated the unflattering combover. And, evidently, thousands of superstitious students had done something to the toe of his foremost boot.

“That’s from 'is publicity photo,” Shayde wailed. “He never sat like that in 'is life, an’ he certainly never worked at that desk. He was always sittin’ on the corner tryin’ tae make his package look big. The bastard.”

Five hundred years had been kinder to Ernest Hackmeyer than it had been to Katie Walker. She was only mentioned by name at a little plaque by an oak tree.

Katie’s Oak, the small plaque read. Plant an oak and think of me, it will grow and flourish longer than we.

Smaller font indicated that the tree had been planted as a memorial to the single life lost in the Hackmeyer Effect Incident at this location.

“Five square inches,” muttered Shayde. “And that plagiaristic sexist bastard has a whole damn statue with my fookain maths on it…”

Rael felt sorry for her. Everywhere she knew in her youth had been erased. Even her presence in the world. “You should see something,” he said, and took her elbow to guide her.

The other gates to Berkely Campus had a gigantic bas-relief bronze of women in historical dress doing symbolic things. A team of ladies unravelled a galaxy. More ladies did chemistry. One showed two men a DNA helix.

The Bronze was still new. It hadn’t had a chance to tarnish.

But there, in the foreground, leaning on a globe of the world while jotting in a notebook, was Katie Walker - ringlets and all. If one stood at the right place, one could see Hackmeyer’s stolen formula in full.

“It’s called The Unsung Heroines,” said Rael. “All the women who had their roles in the field of science overwritten by men.”

Shayde leaned on her effigy’s head to peer at the notebook contents. The curious would give Katie Walker a shiny halo. “They got it right. They put the right one in.”

“From Katie Walker’s original notebook,” said Rael. “Recovered at last from the Locker of Mystery.”

“Damn it,” muttered Shayde as she returned to the footpath. “Na I got somethin’ in me eye…”

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Proooobably a Mad scientist, rather than the regular kind

I am somewhat preoccupied telling the Laws of Physics to shut up and sit down. – RecklessPrudence


It took Kev most of the year to work out that Katie Walker was smarter than she seemed. When the dawn came, it was like watching a gigantic fusion energy generator rise over the horizon.

She was coding in her notebook again. Gibberish to Kev’s eyes. She used to count and mutter when writing in there, now, she just wrote in a

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Weapons-grade Vocabulary.

My stomach is in my throat right now. It’s trying to spit acid on the parts of my brain that remember reading that message. – RecklessPrudence


It had been an ordinary chat in Shayde’s office until Blenkinsop arrived with the lead-lined lockbox.

“Oh joy, it’s a nastygram from Greater Deregulation. Fan-fookain’-tastic…” She got out and donned a pair of gloves, goggles, and a filter mask.

Then, with ceremony and aplomb, carefully

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In response to a sight.

Can somebody help me find my retinas?
Last I heard, they were screaming and trying to hide under a table.

I leave it to you to determine if the sight was physically, emotionally, or mentally traumatic. – RecklessPrudence


She had been intending to say, “I’m no tryin’ tae escape, ye ken, but somethin’s gone wrong wi’ the air in there.”

She only got as far as, “I’m no trying’

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So, how're those plotbunnies coming along?

You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club. – RecklessPrudence


Walter had left his house unlocked. Everything inside was in more disarray than usual. There was no sign of Walter and, most alarming off all, the cage was empty.

The cage that contained possibly the most dangerous creature in the world. Correction, the cage that had contained, etcetera. Which meant that It must have got out.

Take a breath. Keep calm. Look at

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Death and Ding-Dong Ditchers

Don’t knock on death’s door. Ring the bell and run. He hates that.

Bonus points if you have Death be somewhat Pratchettian. – RecklessPrudence


“What is this? Another bubble-reality? Why is everything shades of black?”

“Aw fook,” growled Shayde. “This isnae a bubble. It’s a pocket.”

“There are pocket realities?”

“Aye, where d'ye think I keep all me shit?”

Rael glared at her. “Seriously.

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Found this somewhere.

I know you can’t drink most alcohol, and I’m leery of too much of the stuff myself - but I can’t help but like this quote:

I ran screaming out of adolescence, and when I hit the border somebody gave me the legal right to drink. It’s all just finely tuned memory loss since then. – RecklessPrudence


“And why can’t such a fine lady as yourself go out dancing with

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The whole set

Since submitting those corallaries scavenged from around the net, I find it interesting to contemplate what you could do with the whole, original, set.

You probably know them already, but just in case, Clarke’s Laws:

  1. When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
  2. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past
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Yet _another_ corallary.

Any sufficiently analysed magic is indistinguishable from SCIENCE! – RecklessPrudence


“This thing is full of crystals… and silver wire… is that a bird feather?”

“Can you fix it?”

“At this point, I can’t even tell what’s broken.” She tapped a crystal and noted a musical chime. Also that some connected crystals illuminated from within. “Hmnh…”

“That was an expensive noise…”

“I think I can figure it

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A corollary to Clarke's Third Law

Any technology, no matter how primitive, is magic to those who don’t understand it. – RecklessPrudence


Through a series of unfortunately predictable events, they were now stuck in the middle of nowhere with inadequate camping supplies, a cubic meter of marshmallows, three idiots and a whole bunch of electronica that was out of their service area and therefore as useful as a meringue umbrella.

Miri didn’t bother listening to the arguments since they had got cyclical. What

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Another corallary to Clarke's Third Law

Any sufficiently advanced psychological warfare is indistinguishable from a hostile paranormal. –RecklessPrudence


It is possible to manufacture bad luck. All that is required are enough inside people. It may also be necessary to have a unified or unifying mythos to attribute such bad luck to.

Take, for example, the retaking of The-Mining-Station-In-The-Fifth-Orbital-Ring-Surrounding-Star-B198Y36SQ3(*) by its original human inhabitants.

The independent evolution of both psychological warfare and technomancy in an isolated environment is miraculous enough, but the fact that this was achieved

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Sound advice.

If all else fails, try reading the instructions. – RecklessPrudence


Rael had run out of the regular curses and was busy running through the extensive selection of historical ones.

“I was always fond o’ ‘poo bum wee willy willy tits’, meself.”

He startled and hit his head on the overhead. Of course Shayde found him. She always found him when he was up to his elbows in problems and especially didn’t need a Shayde-shaped

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A line from Pacific Rim.

“I’ve never believed in the End Times. We are mankind. Our footprints are on the moon. When the last trumpet sounds and the Beast rises from the pit — we will kill it.”

Curious to see what you do with it. – RecklessPrudence


At first, shortly after the Galactic Community realized humans could be occasionally useful, there was a great deal of prejudice.

Which is pretty normal, considering that generations of trepidation had gone into previously avoiding the

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Failure Modes

“Hilarious” is the failure mode for horror; “nonsense” is the failure mode for conspiracy; “stereo instructions” is the failure mode for SF. –RecklessPrudence


Wishing many happy luck fall on your head following purchase of Penumbra 3K Foraging scavenger vessel!

For program of soaring trail, open star tracings jar. Signal loved star arrival.

For vacuuming gather, open eat jar. Signal for eat debris.

For living air, open cloud jar. Signal for atomic cloud love.



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Because science is amazing.

Someone’s comments on this article.

And God said “Let there be light.”

And Man said “Oh I’ve got to figure out how he does that.”

And verily, did Man pull photons out of the screaming abyss.

Seriously, that’s amazing. Any day now I expect someone to march out of CERN wearing their labcoat over a wizard’s robe and announce that it turns out magic is real. – RecklessPrudence



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