Another corallary to Clarke's Third Law

Any sufficiently advanced psychological warfare is indistinguishable from a hostile paranormal. –RecklessPrudence


It is possible to manufacture bad luck. All that is required are enough inside people. It may also be necessary to have a unified or unifying mythos to attribute such bad luck to.

Take, for example, the retaking of The-Mining-Station-In-The-Fifth-Orbital-Ring-Surrounding-Star-B198Y36SQ3(*) by its original human inhabitants.

The independent evolution of both psychological warfare and technomancy in an isolated environment is miraculous enough, but the fact that this was achieved by a group of children is simply awe-inspiring.

The following account contains shocking breaches of cogniscent rights, child endangerment, property destruction, criminal behaviour, and sleep deprivation. Viewer discretion is advised. Authorities are aware of these transgressions and the offending parties have been appropriately reprimanded.

The human inhabitants of B198Y36SQ3 had long since been conquered by another species and turned into a workforce of manual, unpaid labor. This met with natural objections and backlash expressed in displays of force.

Force that was considered an inconvenience at best by the conquering forces.

An initially small group already inside the facility turned to acts of sabotage, ranging from subtle adjustments to gross theft. Conferences amongst the group resulted in ‘plug and play’ sabotage units that caused certain functions to effect the conquerer elite. Such sabotage was directly attributed to vengeful, supernatural entit(y/ies) and care was taken to ensure that the perpetrators were seemingly blameless.

This instilled an atmosphere of paranoia and trepidation amongst the elite, and sympathy amongst the conquered. The group expanded, and so did its scope of phenomena, up to and including 'miracles’ and 'plagues’ with varying degrees of success. Tying such actions to the human mythology of the area simply added to the paranormal flavour of the events.

Citizens who wish to acquire further knowledge must wait five days from the posting of this report for an uncensored account of said events. We apologize for the inconvenience.

(*) Translated from the nomenclature of the area into GalStand

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