
A 3-post collection

Challenge #04226-K208: The Key to Success

In this city, the heroes were the ones that helped all. The villains were the ones that judged by looks alone. -- Anon Guest

It was trial by adventure to cast the protectors of the city. Those who made it through the labyrinthine series of gauntlets were in the running. The ones who made it through the best were going to get all the prestige and associated responsibility thereof.

It was quite the gauntlet. Traps. Puzzles. Encounters. Monsters and innocent civilians mixed together. And of course, there was a trick that the would-be heroes had to unriddle.

Hero Team A, the best fighters from Noble families that Swinbrau had to offer, turned the corner to find a collapsed tunnel wall and a small Hellin half under the rubble. The devilborn was battered, bruised, and weak. They reached out to the heroes from the best school in Alfarell... according to the best school in Alfarell.

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Challenge #03769-J116: Risk and Reward

A special tower has been built to test the skills of anyone who claims to be a skilled thief. The higher they go, the more fabulous the treasures and books, but also more cunning the traps. None of the traps are lethal, at most they're embarrassing and uncomfortable. With some, failing the thief and sending them back to the beginning. -- Anon Guest

If you live your life on the streets or among the rooftops of Deepwater, it doesn't look like anything

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Challenge #03124-H215: Essential Enforcement

It's from this, but more from the prompts.

The lords of the realm now must face the wrath of their people. But rather than being killed, their people turn on them and drag them before the king in chains demanding the king teach these errant lords a lesson about mistreating the people they are supposed to care for. -- DaniAndShali

"Well, this is an interesting development," said the King. The people had revolted against their revolting

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