Slow Learner

A 1-post collection

Challenge #04245-K227: Long Time Learning

He was heavier, had more muscle, and was taller than all the other kids. Yet even the tiniest among them had knocked him flat. This went on for, he was unsure, until the King finally called a halt. Confined to a room with a bathroom "grounded", he was fed, given bed clothes, told to sleep. Next day, again.

Now an adult, he thought of those painful lessons. Grateful for it, It wasn't might, it was the heart, that made a person strong. It took a long time to get that through his thick skull, admittedly, but once he made more honest friends, it finally sunk in. -- Fighting Fit

Some lessons are harder to learn than others. Some learners are slower than others. A good teacher can work with either. A great teacher can work with both. Despite his advances regarding the Art of Shadows, Koish wondered if he finally found an unteachable student. He could feel Master Bai judging him.

"That one is a challenge," announced the Master. "Arrogant. Indomitable. Willfully ignorant."

"Reminds you of me?" prompted Kosh. "I remember you telling me I was like that."

"The child reminds me of me," sighed Bai. "I may have said that you were those things, but I was... assigning my flaws to you. Weighed in a proper balance, you were a good child. Trying with everything you had to surmount the bulwark of prejudice against your kind. I'm sorry you faced that alone."

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