A 3-post collection

Challenge #04341-K323: Adapt and Thrive

Deep in the woods, the howl of the wolves, off in the seas, our brothers play. Up in the skies, our sisters fly, their eyes in the cities is my way. -- Fighting Fit

Children of the night, what interesting music they make. Sing, my family of shadows. Sing the song of the moon and stars. Even when you can't see them. I sing to street lamps, cars, trucks and trains. The moon will hear me nonetheless.

It is a forest of made of false stone and true noise, but there is still food to hunt. There are still places to roost and raise our young.

Sharp ears made for finding prey in the underbrush are no good against the roar of the skin-apes' metal beasts. Sharp eyes are just as good. Light or dark, I find plenty to feed myself, my mate, and my nestlings.

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Challenge #03668-J015: Unjustly Underestimated

Valuing strength above all, she saw no worth in me. —————————— “It’s ok dear let mama carry the groceries.” -- Anon Guest

Life is long, and full of struggles. There are many mountains to climb in the span of a lifetime, and I shall do many great deeds. This, I know in my heart of hearts. You may call me prideful, but I name myself 'motivated'.

You, who scoff and sneer at me. You, who judge me by my size. You, who

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Challenge #02785-G228: Helper's Eye View

Created as helpers/aides. They are infertile, so how do they regard their charges? They are not slave or servant, even though they look after their charge. Remember Julie and Nanny, but how does the process work both from the Augment's view and the charges. -- Bonding

I am Borf. I am good dog. This is Len, they are my pup. My pup is bigger than me, and has been since I was a pup. That is the way of it. I

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