Everyone needs to see this. Occupy your own freedom.
Final installment! For now, anyway. Last steps of prepping the planters is to place a the cloth over the stones to prevent soil escaping the...
Final installment! For now, anyway.
Last steps of prepping the planters is to place a the cloth over the stones to prevent soil escaping the planter. You can also use any old rag that comes to hand, or dryer fluff if it doesn’t.
I put the lid back on to stop the local wildlife from stealing the cloth.
Why not just put cloth in the bottom, you may ask. Well, stones aid drainage and give water a path to escape.
Read more »Welcome back, frugal freedom fighters. This post is showing you the basic preparations for a planter box, or set thereof. The tools for...
Welcome back, frugal freedom fighters. This post is showing you the basic preparations for a planter box, or set thereof.
The tools for today are some cheap plastic gutter mesh [the stuff you put in gutters to keep the leaves out] a pair of decent scissors [if you bought wire mesh, use side-cutters!] and the paperclip staples I showed you how to make last time.
Step 1: Measure the mesh to fit, but make sure it fits up the sides of the
Read more »studio630: The Story of Broke Annie Leonard gives another powerful, thought-provoking video as a continuation of the "Story of Stuff". The...
I’ve learned some things about tumblr, now, so this is a two-parter. Should I make you wait for part 2? We’ll see. I initially...
I’ve learned some things about tumblr, now, so this is a two-parter. Should I make you wait for part 2? We’ll see.
I initially wanted the boxes and setup closer to the washing line [it made sense to me] but hubby put the whole box and dice on some bare-ish earth at the other corner of the house. As you can see from the tool set, it’s going to get weird.
If you don’t
Read more »My Continuing Adventures in Frugal Freedom Finding
Keep in mind that I’m rounding out prices and, for everyone’s protection, I am obscuring the shops’ names. Clever readers will be able to figure it out in no time at all, I am certain.
As I write this, I have recently returned from a mat-hunt. Anyone who’s played WoW and does not want to spend a fortune at the Auction House knows what that’s about. You go out grinding for materials, or
Read more »So I thought about illustrating things to folks...
Y'know, with paperclips, since I have so darn many of them. One box of paperclips would represent percentages of the population and the other box would represent percentages of wealth.
Everyone’s pretty divided. The 99%, the 53%, the 1%. I’m not quite sure how I’m going to divide this up.
1% I know has 45% of the wealth.
9% also has 45% of the wealth.
The remaining 10% is divided somewhere between the 53% who are
Read more »Finding the Raw Materials - My Adventures in Frugality for Freedom
This Saturday was the day I was supposed to change everything. Or start changing everything.
The ONLY farmer’s market I could find nearby operated one Saturday out of every month. Odd, I thought, but I thought I made it understood that we’d be going together to get infos.
The day dawned and Hubby volunteered to look after the kids whilst I ventured forth on my ownsome.
Like shit, I said, and bullied the kids and my main squeeze
Read more »Economies of Scale
So I revealed to hubby my determination to grow our own fruit and veg, yesterday (I write these in advance, so I don’t have to fret about having something to write about) and offered him some input into the process. He said, grow tomatoes, carrots and lettuce.
Lettuces like things so swampy, I was thinking about a hydroponics setup, so I don’t drown the tomatoes and carrots.
If you don’t buy a kit and grow them
Read more »I Can't Fix Everything.
I had a massive bout of depression, recently.
No, nothing epic. Just the kind that makes you feel like you’re backed into a corner and also that the gravity has been turned up by at least fifty percent.
I have been reading a lot of OWS and related topics. It’s sad for me that the greatest country in the world is threatening to implode because a few greedy arseholes find it more convenient to ship their investments to
Read more »Life Skills 101: Grow Your Own (part 3)
They sell pots. They sell tubs. They sell potting mix and blood&bone. They will sell you dynamic lifter, which is actually chook poo. If you have a good garden emporium, it may actually sell you varying kinds of manure [horse poo, cow poo, zoo poo…]. Just don’t go with people poo ‘cause our guts manufacture some really nasty shit. No joke. Cholera, typhus, ebola, and many, many more.
What most garden places don’t sell
Louisiana Bans State's Businesses From Accepting Cash
Now this is interesting. A law banning what is known as “coin of the realm”. This law is illegal in so many, many ways.
I’m certain smarter folks than I can figure out the details.
The real trick to quietly protest this is to ONLY operate in cash when in Louisiana. Tell them it’s against your religion to use a card [best if
Read more »Life Skills 101 part 2
Yesterday you saw a discourse on sewing. Can save you upwards of $20 per garment and is only “not worth it” if you let the body corporate tell you that you should follow fashion.
Today, I cover cooking.
Cooking is an essential life skill and will save shittons of money if you’re used to eating out of the drive-through.
Yes, I know some places charge more for fresh produce. I have two words for that: Farmer’s
Read more »Independence from Corporations: Life Skills 101
It occurred to me that I know a lot more about coping without corporate-made items than a lot of the folks who don’t know how to protest the corporations.
I know you. You feel like you’re stuck. You’re scared of losing your job/home/car/significant other/whatever if you stand up with the shouting throng. I know a few people in the media got fired for siding with OWS… they won’t be
Read more »lisaguido: Knitters knitting for the 99% #OWS #crafts #photosynth #occupyeverywhere Power to the people!
Knitters knitting for the 99% #OWS #crafts #photosynth #occupyeverywhere
Power to the people!