
A 3-post collection

Challenge #04453-L069: Celebrate Life

Festivals in the part of the city where the Unwelcome welcome all -- Anon Guest

There's places like this in every city. Usually, it's a tightly packed alley or two that has denizens rather than residents. You can feel every eye watching you warily, and there's a pervading miasma of suspicion and fear.

In a city as big and old as Deepwater, it's an entire district. Minor Perdition was the Hellkin Ghetto, and a place where the Unwelcome, Unwanted, and largely unwashed tended to collect. Most of the time, the entire area lies under a cloud of understandable paranoia. The Unwelcome People are generally assumed to be criminals, so any Welcome Folk are suspicious at best and threats at worst.

Except for Midwinterfeast.

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Challenge #04395-L011: Standing Out? Outstanding!

The bullies tricked the person into consuming something the person was severely allergic to. The mage that saved the person got pissed, and taught the bullies why such behavior was a BAD idea. -- Anon Guest

Orleth the Incredulous was minding her own business when she found the kid wheezing and turning red as their hands and face began swelling up. Some quick work with an antitoxin spellwork brought them the ability to breathe again. Orleth stayed nearby and offered her arms

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Challenge #01907-E083: Pitcher Plant

Why do children rush toward bright colours and loud noises? Because it looks like fun. -- Anon Guest

"I turned around for just a second, and she was gone. Off like a shot. I couldn't catch her. I didn't see which way she went. She just... she just went."

It was the same complaint all over Lower Tadfield Young teens and children above toddler age were going missing. Even the people running the funfair were complaining. But there was something... odd... about

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