
A 82-post collection

I just figured out why they really hate torrents

I figured it out, while watching Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childhood. The thing about most available media is the inherent advertising. Commercial breaks. The incidental advertising, the brand of the icons the media provides.

Thing is, ever since we started getting our media through torrents [mostly because we can’t get the media where we are] we aren’t as exposed to the commercials as everyone else.

All torrented shows clip the adverts.

The kids don’t know about the multitudes of other commercial-oriented things out there. They don’t know about the commercialised game sites. They don’t know about the toys we’d have to order online if they wanted them in the first place. They don’t demand the brands with the logo/mascot/character they’ve been taught to want.

We decide what shows we download in the first place. Most of what the kids are exposed to are documentaries and the odd show we decide actually contains a better message.

Sure, we have a lot more fans of the G4 ponies in the house, now, but the show has a better message than the “need it, want it” of most kids’ television.

I actually trained my 10YO to recognise and despise advertising. Now, if only I could get him to start consumer inspection and doing the things that are good for him…

Maybe I should start advertising veggies to him ;)


I’m doing my bit to teach my kids about things like “value for money” and “we can’t afford that”. And, more importantly, “Handmade means someone cared to make it”.

You can do it, too.

Disconnect the cable. Vet your media before the kids see it. Limit their computer time. Don’t look at the magazine rack. Shop at cheap vendors who don’t even have the brand-saturated products the mainstream ones do.

You, too, can isolate yourself from the commercial.

Unplug. Unravel. Undersell.

It could be the catchphrase of the new revolution.

Mince Soup

This is another one of those “primary ingredient plus whatever you have lying around” recipes. Again, it’s just a few ingredients away from being a stew.

You will need these tools:

1 big pot
1 ladle or spoon for stirring
1 handy heat source like a cooktop

You will need these ingredients:

about 500g mince of your choice
sauces/flavour/herbs/spices to taste
thickening or noodles optional


half-fill your pot with water and set

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Slow-cooker Glop

This one’s for the busy people. Slow cookers are handy little gadgets that allow one to, say, set up a pot roast before you leave for work.

Everything I cook in my slow cooker always ends up as Glop

You will need these tools:

1 slow cooker
1 thing to make it go
1 thing to serve/stir
1 method of cooking rice

You will need these ingredients:

500g protein of your choice, preferably in bite-sized chunks
1-2 jars of

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Sausage Soup

This is another one of those “scratch” recipes, in which you scratch together whatever you have going and put it in a pot.

You will need these tools:

1 big pot
1 handy heat source, like a cooktop
1 big spoon/ladle
1 knife or other means of chopping thingsĀ 

You will need these ingredients:


The quantity of these is up to you. Optional extras include: soup mix, rice, potatoes/potato powder, and

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Fried Rice? So Nice!

At last! A recipe with more than just vague hints [seriously, we’re on the internet. You should know how to google stew recipes] and some actual directions.

You will need these tools:

1 large cooking container. Woks are great, but you don’t have to have them
1 means of cooking rice. Rice cookers are great, etc. etc.
1 or more handy heat source(s) like a cooktop
1 big sturdy spoon or spatula. Trust me, I mean it

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How to Stretch a Stew

There are as many recipes for stew as there are people who cook it. You might like a different kind of stew, but the core is the same:

* A lot of water
* Some kind of key protein [meat is traditional, but not necessary]
* Lots of vegetables
* Thickening

One of the key ideals of stew is that it can be stretched. You might portion yours up and freeze it straight after it’s cooked, but even then, you can stretch one portion

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Budget Busting in the Kitchen

Many of you know a few tricks, but these are some of mine. If you only have a little left to spend on food after taking care of all those bills, you need to make it stretch. And you also need to make sure you get a balanced diet. We’ve all heard the urban myth about the college kid who made a buttload of porridge etc. etc.

Anyway, over the next few days I’ll be sharing some budget-stretching

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OWS - I Love That You're Doing Stuff

I love reading the posts about Occupy re-taking houses that were illegally foreclosed upon. I love hearing that Occupy helped prevent an illegal foreclosure.

I love that, despite all the setbacks and prohibitions rising up against it, the People’s Library is still going strong.

I love that people are sharing ideas to get their communities pointed in one direction against a common foe.

But, as I always tell myself [and others] when cleaning up a big mess - there’

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This is a family recipe that can be traced back to MeMum [Hi!] who could not make tuna rissoles to save her life. After a very trying day, she just gave up and fried the entire mess and called it Tuna Glop.

I’ve changed things around a bit and created All Purpose Glop

You will need these tools:

1 mixing bowl
1 method of mixing
1 satisfyingly enormous frying pan
1 spatula or big spoon
1 handy heat source, like

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