I call this one the “mining chamber” and tried to create a labyrinthine cavern of twists, turns, nooks, crannies and, of course, mine-ables.
And lava.
Can’t forget the lava.
As you enter...

The obligatory switchboard.

Somewhere near the middle...

I call this one the “mining chamber” and tried to create a labyrinthine cavern of twists, turns, nooks, crannies and, of course, mine-ables.
And lava.
Can’t forget the lava.
As you enter...
The obligatory switchboard.
Somewhere near the middle...
Reasons why I want user-controlled spawner blocks, even if it’s just in creative mode:
1) Squids de-spawn when you’re not looking at them
2) I want a room full of squids
3) Even if I add a cubic metric butt-ton of them before the last save, I’m scared they’ll go away before my adventurers get there
4) There are other creatures I want in my chambers that de-spawn at the slightest provocation.
As the
Read more »So, you’ve all heard by now - or all of you that care about Minecraft - that they’ve updated Minecraft again with taller worlds. Yay. And jungles. Yay. And massive trees. Yay. And pet cats. Yay.
And I now have to re-make my adventure map in progress because I’m that gosh-darn obsessive-compulsive.
It’s times like this that I wish Minecraft had a copy-paste mode. Or mass replace commands like the maps in World
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