I call this one the “mining chamber” and tried to create a labyrinthine cavern of twists, turns, nooks, crannies and, of course, mine-ables.
And lava.
Can’t forget the lava.
As you enter...

The obligatory switchboard.

Somewhere near the middle...

I call this one the “mining chamber” and tried to create a labyrinthine cavern of twists, turns, nooks, crannies and, of course, mine-ables.
And lava.
Can’t forget the lava.
As you enter...
The obligatory switchboard.
Somewhere near the middle...
Last of the alpha-draft adventure map pix.
Comments? Opinions?
This one's about probability math
This one's a trick question
This one's another bonus room
More pix from my project. Yes, I am rebuilding all of these.
Especially the sewer level. It was fun.
The menace dispenser in the bonus room.
My excuse for building a sewer level
One caution sign
And another. All poo is simulated.
It's supposed to be full of silverfish
Upper level of the sewer level
Some chambers are more open
...or empty
...or minimalist
This one's full of snow
Just a few pictures of the alpha draft rooms. Each room has a math puzzle to solve, except the obsidian pyramid, in which you have to literally find the answer before lava completely covers the interior of the pyramid.
I’m so nasty, sometimes.
I need placeable, programable spawners
You have to cross the corridor
Obsidian pyramid. Contents can be lethal
A happy sun on the wall
...that watches you
And the door just shut behind you...
It's a long way
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